Friday, November 14, 2008


We all have days when we want to pull our hair out and scream as loud as we can.  Maybe not specifically at somebody, but more as a way of releasing pent up frustration.  This can be frustration towards oneself, to a circumstance beyond our control, someone else’s behavior, or even bad timing.  It seems as though problems conspire against us, building up, until one day they pounce, taking us by surprise.  Of course, when that moment arrives, inevitably, we forget everything we learned about good behavior.  Gone is the pleasant demeanor, the patience, and any trace of a smile.  It is easy to tell someone to step back and take a deep breath, but when it happens to us, all rational thought flies out the door.  What’s the answer?  Unfortunately, there isn’t a fix-all or magic button.  Perhaps giving ourselves permission to be frustrated or angry or upset (but not AT someone).  We need to take a few moments, preferably away from others, and get that out of our system.  It won’t fix the problem, change the circumstances, or make someone disappear, but it will give us a new perspective.  And more importantly, the ability to calmly handle whatever crisis we must face.  Plus the added benefits of no regretting quick tempers or harsh words or higher blood pressure!

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