Monday, July 30, 2012

Celebrating the gift of faith

As you know, life is precious.  I learned this many times over when my niece, Tasha, was killed in a car accident on July 4th.  I was and continue to be so blest with supportive friends, family, and my amazing Church family.  I cannot express how much your words, thoughts, prayers, and hugs have meant to me.  Yes, there will be tears, but underneath the grief I sense the beauty of our Christian community.  For when I could not pray, you prayed for me.  And as I struggle, you pray with me.  And, when you stumble, I will pray with and for you.  

If I had been able to vocalize this two weeks ago, my prayer would have been similar to the one I found in a Catholic Study Bible:  “O God of the Weary, when exhaustion covers me like a blanket and I am unable to honor the promises I’ve made, send in a faithful disciple of prayer to stand beside me that I might feel their strength.  Let their faithfulness seep into the pores of my skin and silence the enemies of my soul.  When I begin to doubt the efficacy of prayer, surround me with people of faith.”  What I love the most is that I didn’t have to even formulate this prayer, and God already answered it with you.

Now, my version goes like this:  “O God of the Faithful, thank you for your presence in the Eucharist and in each person I meet.  Words cannot express my gratefulness for your servants.  I am in awe of your wisdom, for you have provided me with what I need before I even know to ask!  Help me to cling to You in all things, for without You, I am dust.  I echo the prayers of my ancestors, begging for unwavering faith in Your promises. ‘The Lord is my strength and my shield;  my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.’ (Psalm 28:7).  May my lifesong continue to praise You.”

I know that I won’t be able to pray this every day; there will be days of sorrow and days of pain.  But we know that for every thing, there is a season (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  This journey is not to be taken lightly or traveled alone.  So, for the gift of faith and the gift of my Christian community, I am thankful.  

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