Sunday, November 10, 2013


Never-ending.  When I look at my trees this time of year, it makes me tired.  Being a newer home owner, I have a different appreciation for fall.  I appreciate when all of the leaves in the neighborhood are picked up!
Don't get me wrong. I love fall. I love the change of season and the beautiful colors.  Every day, I see something in nature that takes my breath away.

But I've noticed that as my leaves (and those of my neighbors) continue to fall, I become less able to see past the work that those leaves represent.  I get caught up in logistics and details.  Saturday is the only day I can do yard work, will the weather cooperate?  My waste bin isn't big enough, what do I do with the extra leaves? Will my arms put up with the time it takes to rake everything, or will they (my arms) turn to mush before I'm done?  Yada yada yada.

This past Saturday I did manage to wrangle a majority of the leaves in my front yard (the only way to get 100% would be to stop time while I raked!).  By the next morning, the lawn was covered again.  As I tried to remember how nice my lawn looked just the day before, this thought occurred to me, "This is never-ending!" And my next thought was, "And so is God's love." It was a rather random thought, but the more I pondered it, the more I saw a connection.

When we face challenges that cause us frustration, we have an opportunity to look deeper.

Challenge: look at something grin a new perspective. Take a perceived obstacle and use it as an analogy of God's love.

Prayer: God, you know my tendency to focus on the negative, the can'ts, the won'ts, and wouldn'ts. Help me transform those narrow views into a new understanding.

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