Friday, December 13, 2013

Thankful Thursday 12/12 - Lights

Whew - what a week!  It's been a busy time, but I'm trying to keep my focus where it belongs.  So, I'd like to express gratitude for the small things in my life.  Right now I am sitting in my living room, enjoying the ambiance of my Christmas lights.  There's just something about Christmas lights that brings me peace.  It's probably the only time of the year when I feel that I have to just sit and enjoy this feeling.

What is it about the lights that relaxes me?  Maybe I like the light in the extreme winter darkness.  Or perhaps it's the festive colors.  Or it could be the anticipation of Christmas, heralded by the putting up of lights.  Whatever the reason, I like the effect it has.  So, as we approach Gaudete Sunday (the 3rd Sunday of Advent), I'm going to keep appreciating my lights.  I will recognize them as my visual cue to slow down and just be.  In this season of waiting, how appropriate it is to sit in hopeful anticipation.  

Prayer - Lord, thank you for the opportunities to immerse myself in joyful waiting.  I pray that I may be fully present in this season of Advent, so that I may prepare myself well.

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