Friday, March 07, 2014

1st Sunday of Lent - Temptation 

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Genesis - eating the fruit of the forbidden tree
Psalm - 51 - Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Epistle - Romans - comparison of Adam and Jesus
Gospel - Matt hew 4 - Jesus is tempted.

Temptations come in many sizes.  Some seem small and others seem overwhelming.  We might think that giving in to a temptation is 'okay' or 'the norm'.  Indulging in a piece of chocolate or glass of wine isn't a crime, is it?  Well, that depends.  Fruit certainly seems harmless enough.  It's good for you, it's natural, what could be wrong with it?  If you are in the Garden of Eden and have been forbidden to eat that particular fruit, it would be a big no-no.  Thus, temptation enters.  The devil appeals to human desires and weaknesses and sin enters the world through disobedience to God.

In the psalm, we appeal to God's love and mercy.  We know that our sin is great, but we also know that God is greater.  The second reading parallels Adam with Christ.  We see how one man's sin (Adam) allowed death to enter our world, but another man's death (Jesus Christ) gave us the gift of salvation.  Finally, in the Gospel we see that Jesus also faced temptation from the devil.

I was always surprised that Jesus went to the desert for 40 days.  It makes my prayer life look pretty shabby in comparison.  It also reinforces that I need to build time in my life for conversations with God.  If I can't stop for a few minutes and be fully present with God, something is not right.  So, maybe this time I can appreciate the season of Lent for the desert.  By fasting, praying, and giving alms, I want to live as Jesus did.

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