Sunday, April 27, 2014

2nd Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Acts - devoted to the apostles' teaching, living in community, and breaking bread together (Eucharist)
Psalm - Give thanks to the Lord for he is god, his love is everlasting
Epistle - 1 Peter - believing without seeing

Gospel - John - Doubting Thomas

On this Octave of Easter, there is much to celebrate. In our readings, we are reminded of our goals: to follow Jesus' teachings, to live in community with each other, and to celebrate the Eucharist together.

In the reflections from Living Liturgy 2014, I came across a great reminder. In the Gospel, we hear of Thomas, who wasn't present when Jesus appeared to the disciples, voicing his skepticism. Thomas wanted proof. He wanted the physical, tangible, touch and see proof that Jesus' appeared.

I can relate to Thomas; sometimes I want the tangible. I am more comfortable with the physical things that I can see, touch, taste, smell, and hear. Our faith calls us to belief, 2000 years later, without benefit of Jesus appearing and showing us His wounds. The best part is that we can and do have an encounter with Christ every time we give of ourselves to another person.

"We have not seen him (Jesus), but we do encounter him and come to believe in him through the words and actions of others." Living Liturgy 2014 pg 119

Prayer - Lord, help my unbelief.  I want to know You more deeply.  Grant that I may open my eyes to Your presence in others, so that together, we can praise You. 

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