Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/23/14 - Fog

We recently had a few mornings with a beautiful fog blanketing the world.  Fog intrigues me; I think it appeals to my introverted nature - the appearance of utter stillness.  My soul resonates with the opportunity to feel as if I am one with the earth.  Perhaps it is also the seeming peacefulness that appeals to me.  Who doesn't want peace or a time to just be?  In our busy world, still is a rarity and calm is a four-letter word (pun intended).

Yet what strikes me the most about fog is how much fog is like change.  Think of it this way:  fog hides things from us, we cannot see the road ahead.  The future is obscured and the past is gone.  We can only function in the present, right where we are.  Now think of this in terms of change.  Sounds pretty similar to me.

Interestingly enough, I love fog, but I oftentimes dislike change.  Why is that?  Maybe I don't have a preconceived bias towards fog like I do change.  Bear with me.  Change generally gets a bad rap.  It's not usually easy, and even if it's for our own good, we tend to fight it.  It's easier to stay where we are, with what's comfortable, easy, and familiar.  I can't do that with fog.  It's not going to go away just because I want to see what's coming.  Maybe it's a control issue; I can't control the weather, but I "think" I can control change in my life.  Sometimes, yes.  More often, no.  So, when it comes to a foggy day, I embrace what is and appreciate the moment.  Sounds like a good suggestion to follow when facing changes.  There are going to be many more foggy days, both physical and metaphorical, and maybe, if I try to embrace what is, I can appreciate the journey as well.      

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/16/14

Its been a good week.  Nothing monumental, which is fine by me.  So often I get caught up in the next big thing that I can miss the simple joys in front of me.  So today I am thankful for the beauty of the rising sun, the gorgeous fall colors as the leaves turn, and the glory of a sunset.  I am thankful for the wind, beautiful weather, and moments to appreciated them.  I am thankful for time to be still and time to be busy.  I am thankful for good music, tasty food, and a job (or two) to do.  I am thankful for technology and for time to shut off technology.  I am thankful for good health, sore muscles, and the ability to move freely. I am thankful for family and friend, both near and far. I am most especially thankful to God for giving me life, gifting me with faith, and desiring a relationship with me that is beyond compare.

For these and all my gifts, I am truly thankful.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Thankful Thursday . . . ish

Be careful what you pray for.  You just might get it!

Nothing dramatic here, but a day that was not how I would have planned.  I had purchased a new refrigerator, after some procrastinating, saving money, praying that my old one would hang on, and a few minor repairs.  Finally, it was time.  I'm surprised my neighbors didn't complain about the noise coming from my kitchen when my tired fridge kicked on, sounding like a revved up motorcycle!  Money exchanged hands (or at least bank accounts), and I was the theoretical owner of a new fridge.  The problem was, once it arrived at the store, how was I going to get it home?  Some more procrastinating, asking around, and a few worries later, problem solved.  Seemed like the hard part was over.


See, once the fridge made it to my driveway, several more issues came into play; things I never considered during my purchase process.  There were pieces of wood bolted to the bottom of the fridge, for packing purposes, I presume, but they could only be removed with a socket set.  I don't own one of those.  Thank goodness for neighbors!  Then, when we were unplugging my old fridge and disconnecting the water line, I remembered what my brother-in-law told me over the summer, that when I got my new fridge, I would have to cap the water line if I wasn't going to use the ice-maker.  Working for a restoration company, I'm not too enamored of ice makers, so my train of thought was, well I'm not using the ice maker = the water line isn't a problem.  At least that was my thought until it was time to shut the water off to the whole house because I didn't have a plan for that water line.


Sunday, October 05, 2014

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - reconciliation

Quick recap:
1st Reading - More vineyard stories :)
Psalm 80 - The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel
Epistle - Phil 4 - motivational letter from Paul
Gospel -Matthew 21 - A landowner leased out his vineyard before leaving on a journey, and the tenants killed his servants and then his son when they came to collect the produce.

In the first reading, we hear God's frustration. His chosen people have turned away, repeatedly. In the Gospel, Jesus highlights the continued behavior of the Jews, who ultimately kill the Son of God. This sets the backdrop for the psalm. In the psalm, we hear God's response to the Old Testament, and we add our plea that God protect this vineyard - us! This is nothing new to God - how many times had Israel sinned and repented? Not to mention us and our current society. Over and over, we beg God for mercy. We must have contrite hearts before God, and belief that our prayers will be heard. 

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Angels

Today is the Memorial of the Guardian Angels.  I am so very thankful for angels, especially my guardian angel.  One of my favorite prayers:
Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side
To light, to guard, to rule and guide.
I can remember sitting on the steps, saying this prayer, before racing up to bed.  This is still my bedtime prayer of choice, and it gives me comfort to know I'm not alone.  My guardian angel has interceded for me many times, and has protected me many more.  Her vehicle of choice is a dark pickup (if you want to know more, just ask).  Most of all, she seeks to bring my soul to Heaven.  I am in total agreement with that goal, so I think we make a good team.  


I have always loved the image of the Guardian Angel watching over the children.  At all times, help is near, whether we acknowledge it or not.  God loves each of us so much, that we are gifted with an angel to help us.  What a beautiful gift!

Prayer - Lord, thank you for the gift of my guardian angel.  Help me to follow their lead so that I may always keep You in the center of my life.  Thank you for the protection of my angel.  May I be open to their guidance and nudging, so that one day they may escort my soul to You.