Thursday, October 09, 2014

Thankful Thursday . . . ish

Be careful what you pray for.  You just might get it!

Nothing dramatic here, but a day that was not how I would have planned.  I had purchased a new refrigerator, after some procrastinating, saving money, praying that my old one would hang on, and a few minor repairs.  Finally, it was time.  I'm surprised my neighbors didn't complain about the noise coming from my kitchen when my tired fridge kicked on, sounding like a revved up motorcycle!  Money exchanged hands (or at least bank accounts), and I was the theoretical owner of a new fridge.  The problem was, once it arrived at the store, how was I going to get it home?  Some more procrastinating, asking around, and a few worries later, problem solved.  Seemed like the hard part was over.


See, once the fridge made it to my driveway, several more issues came into play; things I never considered during my purchase process.  There were pieces of wood bolted to the bottom of the fridge, for packing purposes, I presume, but they could only be removed with a socket set.  I don't own one of those.  Thank goodness for neighbors!  Then, when we were unplugging my old fridge and disconnecting the water line, I remembered what my brother-in-law told me over the summer, that when I got my new fridge, I would have to cap the water line if I wasn't going to use the ice-maker.  Working for a restoration company, I'm not too enamored of ice makers, so my train of thought was, well I'm not using the ice maker = the water line isn't a problem.  At least that was my thought until it was time to shut the water off to the whole house because I didn't have a plan for that water line.


So, later that night I was at the hardware store, wondering how complicated the 'capping-the-water-line-process" was going to be.  Surprisingly, one simple compression fitting was what I was told to purchase, and it seems to be mostly working.  I've got a slow drip that needs to be stopped, but it's much better than shutting the water off!  Things were looking up.  Until I tried to push the fridge back into its spot.  Cut into the floor and put a big gouge in my nice new flooring.  Really?!  At least it's under the fridge, right?

Isaiah 55:8 - "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways - oracle of the Lord."  I'm pretty thankful that God doesn't follow my plans.  As evidenced from my day, my plans were a little shaky.  I missed some components and wasn't ready for all that my purchase would entail.  God, however, knows all.  There are no surprises or detours, because it's all in the plan.  Now, I'm not sure how the gouge in my floor will further the Kingdom of God, but I do know that by releasing my rigid plans, I can learn and grow.  If I stop controlling (or even stop thinking that I'm controlling, because I'm not) life is better.  Sure, I would have been happy if everything went smoothly and no issues occurred, but I probably wouldn't have appreciated God's plan, since mine would have appeared to reached the goal.  This is about dying to self, so that I may reach a greater good.  Even when buying household appliances.

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