Monday, December 08, 2014

Thankful Thursday 12/4/14

I'm falling into my trap of perfection again.  If I don't reflect properly or quickly or some other adverb, then I can't post anything until I catch up.  It's a terrible misconception on my part.  On one hand, there are so many great things during the season of Advent which lend to my reflection and contemplation.  On the other hand, I believe that there will always be opportunities for reflection, so waiting doesn't get me anywhere in my writing.

Quandary of quandaries.  This feels very chicken/egg :)

So, in the interest of consistency, here is my latest 'Thankful Thursday', albeit a little delayed:

The season of Advent is my current chart-topper in thankfulness.  I have been experiencing such depth during this time, and a sense of peace.  There are so many questions, unknowns, and varieties of chaos in my life currently, yet I can trust that God has a plan.  A recent conversation with a friend reaffirmed my viewpoint.  We were discussing a longing that has been growing in me, and I commented that I felt like Advent was a good time to journey with this desire.  She agreed, and encouraged me to focus on this season of waiting as a parallel to my questions on my journey.  I have the ability to help others discern and identify their feelings, which generally means that I can't do that as well for myself.  It was wonderful to hear that feedback and have my uncertain vision lightened by her words.

Prayer - Lord, thank you for a season that gives me an opportunity to wait.  Help me to open my heart to Your call, learning to trust in Your plan.
"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you - oracle of the Lord - plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope."  ~Jeremiah 29:11

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