Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Perfect timing

I was looking back at some of my posts while trying to find a fitting title for this one.  I've noticed that my recent focus appears to be on time, i.e. God's timing, patience, seasons, etc.  This one is in much the same vein.  There is so much to say, I'm not sure my thoughts can be expressed completely.  Life is complicated.  In one breath we experience joy, and the next, sadness.  Time is the great equalizer, granting perspective or hindsight.  There are so many pieces that we don't understand while they are happening, but occasionally, we can look back and glimpse God's work in our lives.

I was recently back to my old 'stomping grounds' as I was playing for a wedding.  Interestingly enough, the cantor was my former neighbor.  We practiced a few times, and chatted back and forth via text.  We talked more in the last two weeks then we probably did in the five years I lived across the street.  She made a comment to me that she wished we had connected sooner.  I agreed.  Sometimes it takes big changes to see something that's right across the street.  Yet, I believe that God's timing is perfect, even if it is occasionally confusing.  

One year ago, at the end of the month, my great-nephew was battling for his life.  By the grace of God, through prayers and excellent doctors, he made a full recovery.  Right now, my niece's father-in-law is battling for his life.  There is no human logic to explain why this is happening.  It would be easier to point a finger at God and blame Him for screwing up.  Yet, because our world is fallen and sinful, bad things will and do happen.  There are no guarantees that any of us will have a tomorrow, or, if we do, what we may experience.  That's life!  Crazy, unpredictable, wonderful, chaotic, and messy.  The only constant we have is God's faithfulness to us.
2 Timothy 2:13 "If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."
Lamentations 3:22-23 "The Lord's acts of mercy are not exhausted, his compassion is not spent; They are renewed each morning - great is your faithfulness!"
What other answer is there than to anchor ourselves to Him who is steadfast?  What other guarantees are we granted in life?  None.  Life is not fair, as we all know.  Perhaps we, or someone we know, has experienced devastating loss, painful news, or debilitating illness.  It doesn't make sense, so all we can do is cling to God in the midst of the storm.

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