Saturday, February 25, 2017

The eternal now

Have you ever considered the possibility that we are living in eternity?  I don't mean that we will live forever on Earth, no matter how good medical advancements are.  One time, in bible study, we talked about living our eternity NOW.  That is, if we desire Heaven, we should/would/could live as though we are in Heaven.  Not the "I-can-abdicate-all-my-responsibilities" lifestyle, but the choice to live as a conscious Catholic Christian, treating others with love and mercy.

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to see a one-man show based on the work of C.S. Lewis, titled The Great Divorce.  It was a riveting story of life and existence, and the realization that the characters were living their eternity right now.  The characters lived life in Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, by their choices.  They were even invited to enter into Heaven, but some found themselves unable to cross the border to do so, even with much coaxing and help.  It was an eye-opening experience to consider how happy or miserable we can make ourselves, as well as considering how our current thoughts and actions can shape our future and our eternity.

Much like this picture, the symbol of infinity, you might consider life to be never-ending.  Not as in incarnation, but that how you live is how you die.  I am not being flippant, but rather considering that our lives, like the infinity symbol, continue, albeit in a different sense, when we die.  If Heaven is my goal, than the infinity symbol is a sign of encouragement; I should live now as I want to die - in a state of grace to reach Heaven.  Thus my time on earth is viewed as preparation, or the beginning, of my eternity.    

It's interesting to consider the possibility that we can create our circumstances.  For example, if we treat others with contempt and cynicism, our relationships will likely be miserable and unfulfilling.  Sounds rather hell-ish to me.  Conversely, if we can look for the good in others and see God in our neighbors, our outlook just became a lot brighter i.e. Heaven.  

There's a story I've read about Heaven and Hell.  St. Peter is giving this man a tour of eternity, and he shows him a picture of hell.  In the room, there is a huge pot of delicious-looking soup, with lots of people gathered around, but nobody is eating. The people look unhappy and hungry.  Each person has a really long-handled spoon, and they can't manage to get the spoon into their mouths because the handle is too long.  The next picture is a picture of Heaven.  There's another large pot of soup, with a lot of people gathered around, but this time everyone is happy and smiling, even though they have the same long-handled spoons.  The man looks puzzled, and finally asks St. Peter what the difference is because everything appears the same, yet the people in Heaven look happy while the people in Hell are upset.  St. Peter replies, "Well, you see, the spoons are too long for each person to feed themselves.  In Hell, they try and try to eat, but they only end up frustrated and angry.  In Heaven, however, the people feed each other, and thus all can eat because another will feed them."

Agree or don't, but please consider your eternity.  Would you change anything about your life now, if this is eternity?

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