Sunday, June 25, 2017

A New Normal - one day at a time

Today is Mom's birthday.  She would have been 85.  I'm not sure whether this day will be a day of sadness or a day of grace.  Probably both.  Part of me wants to celebrate her life, and the other part wants June 26 to start immediately.  I guess I'm a little gun-shy after the experience of Mother's Day.

Mother's Day.

Who knew such a beautiful holiday could magnify my grief?

That weekend began like any other - doing chores, running errands, attending Mass with Dad.  It felt like my new normal.  I had no idea the grief would wash over me, harder than I expected.  That's the sneaky thing about grief - you don't know when it will show up.  All you can do is live it.  There is no right or wrong, no pattern or intensity to calculate.  It simply is what it is.

I don't do well with things beyond my control.  I prefer plans and knowledge and making God laugh.  Yet there is grace in the journey.  Life goes on, albeit different than before.
My eyes have grown dim with grief; my whole frame is but a shadow.  ~Job 17:7
It's membership in a club that you never willingly joined, and yet can't avoid.  I honor her by continuing her legacy and living our faith.  I will do my best to live the day the best I can, starting with Mass.  The rest is in God's hands.

Prayer - Lord, may I never take for granted the time I have with those I love.  Help me to treasure each moment of the journey, even when I am physically separated by death.  May I always recognize the beauty of this connection.

Happy Birthday, Mom.

Go In Peace
There will be no more darkness
There is no more night, no more night
There will be no more sadness
Only joy and light, joy and light
Lift your eyes beyond the hills
And see the dawn
There is beautiful mercy
In the arms of the holy one
Go in peace, God be with you
Go in peace, be at rest
With the saints and the angels
Now you are free
Go in peace
See the Father is waiting
With a robe of white, purest white
Go and feast at his table
With the bread of life, bread of life
Lift your heart, rejoice and sing
For you are home
Home at last and forever
In the arms of the holy one

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