Sunday, March 18, 2018

Another adventure

**Date discrepancy explanation below.

Sunday, March 18, 2018 - Omaha, Chicago, Philadelphia
It's the fifth Sunday of Lent.  We are entering the final stretch, the downhill slope, the end game . . . you get the picture.  Maybe your Lent has been a wonderful experience, or perhaps it's been less than stellar.  Either way, it's not too late to end well.

For me, I get a major boost in the form of a pilgrimage to Rome.  I am grateful that I have the opportunity to return to such a wonderful place, especially during Lent.

Whether you will spend this week at home or abroad, make a choice to live intentionally and finish the race.

"I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith."  ~2 Timothy 4:7

**this was originally created on March 18, 2018, but wi-fi issues prevented me from uploading in a timely fashion.

So, Sunday was basically a long day in the airport or in a plane.  3 legs later . . . 

Monday, March 19, 2018 - Rome
Wow - I don't remember my previous international flights being so sleepless.  We flew out of Philadelphia around 6:30 p.m. Sunday evening, and arrived in Rome around 7:30 a.m. Monday morning.  No, the flight wasn't 11 hours, but with the time change, we start our day feeling 6 hours behind.  So, we arrived with the mindset of beginning our first, very full, day in Rome, yet our bodies were still craving sleep since it was only about 2 a.m.  Sunshine is our friend, except it was in short supply when we arrived.  Rain, rain, rain.  And when it rains in Rome, things get a little crazy, especially traffic.  No big deal - we arrived with no issues, luggage in hand, and we were ready for the adventure.

You might be wondering who all journeyed on this pilgrimage; it was a collaboration between UNK & UNO Newman Centers for a pilgrimage over spring break.  I was lucky enough to tag along!  We had 2 priests and 16 pilgrims.  

The arrival process was similar to my previous trip, but it was interesting to recognize a few changes or modifications.  My last trip we took the train from the airport; this time we were driven in on a bus.  Again, it was awesome to just sit and enjoy the scenery; after all, we were in Rome!!!

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