Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Did I miss the apocalypse?

Once again, I'm drawn back to reflect on life, especially in our current setting.  This extreme change in our social behavior feels unreal, as if I woke up in totally different world than the one before.  I didn't realize just how many things I've taken for granted, both big and small.  And maybe even more telling are the things that are no longer available that I didn't value when they were.

It's tempting to panic.  It's tempting to deny.  It's tempting to complain and moan and despair.  But I choose something more.  Something better.  I choose hope.  Because, let's face it, who likes to talk to a pessimist?  So why would I want to live that way?

There are so many things that I should do and don't, or I want to do but fail, or I do them for the wrong reasons.  Time after time I fall down, but because of hope, I get back up.  A new lesson learned, a new opportunity awaits, a new day dawns.  And right now, I have hope because of Jesus Christ.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~John 16:33
"In this world you will have trouble."  That's pretty darn straightforward.  No sugar coating, no misunderstanding.  Jesus, who is Truth, speaks Truth to us.  We are told that saying yes to God doesn't guarantee a life free from suffering or sorrow or sadness.  But when you see it on such a scale as we are experiencing now, it can be overwhelming.  Yet, we don't have to remain in the darkness!

"But take heart!"  Hang in there.  Look to God.  Draw strength from Jesus Christ.  Lean on your community of faith.  Return to Scripture and believe.  "I have overcome the world."  That gives me such peace.  What do I have to fear, if I trust God?

Yes, the unknown is scary and uncertainty of the future is stressful.  My Dad is particularly vulnerable, and this disease would likely kill him if he contracts it.  Does that worry me?  You bet.  Does it cripple me in fear?  Not when I draw close to God and study Scripture.  It's like Peter being called out of the boat; when he takes his eyes off Jesus, he starts to sink.  When I allow myself to get caught up in fear or sin or anything that draws my eyes from God, I flounder.

Just say no to fear and believe in Jesus.  He is trustworthy and His gift of salvation gives us hope of eternal happiness.  This world, fallen and sinful, presents troubles.  How we respond is completely up to us.

Prayer - Jesus, thank you for the blessings I have and for the blessings that I didn't recognize until they were no longer present.  Help me to choose hope over fear so that I may live each day in and with You.  Open my eyes to the ways You are working in the midst of my chaos.  Increase my faith so I may find peace in You.  Amen.

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