Monday, September 16, 2013

The grace of music - part 2

So, I was browsing a Catholic Devotional book, and came across a reflection that fit so perfectly with my music experience (read it here).  The Scripture reference was the story of Mary and Martha from Luke's Gospel, and the author was focused on the comment from Jesus to Martha, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things."  Luke 10:41

The author noted that while there are many distractions and worries in our lives, we will never regret time spent with Jesus.  Just like Mary chose the better part, we must banish our anxious thoughts in order to be fully present (back to the full, active, conscious participation request) with God.  Time spent with God is never wasted.

This makes me smile soooo much.  How true it is!  When I think I absolutely, positively, have no time to spare, that is when I MUST shift my priorities.  With God first, there is room for everything else of importance.  Do you know why?  Because when God is first, nothing else is as important.  And that is how it should be.

Challenge - Keep God first in everything.  Take 15 minutes, 1 hour, an afternoon, or whatever chunk of time you can manage.  Make God the priority all through that time.  It will not be easy at first.  Maybe you'll need to start small.  But once you can put God first, everything else falls into place.  My personal challenge is to follow that advice when nothing is going my way.  That's worth bonus points!

Prayer - God, You know that I run in many distractions, chasing things that seem pressing.  Help me to realize that the only real priority in my life is You.  I seek Your guidance and grace to help me grow closer to You.  I want the inner peace that comes from knowing You intimately.

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