Sunday, February 08, 2015

Thankful Thursday 2/5/15

It's been a while since I've posted a specific 'Thankful Thursday' post.  The month of January, for me, was characterized by illness and travel.  Thankfully, however, they did not happen concurrently!  That is a definite blessing.  I had bronchitis before I left, and I was rather nervous about being sick during my trip.  Read about it here:  Have patience, my child.  Then, about a week after I returned, I was out sick with sinus infection, sinusitis, etc.  While I am feeling much improved, I am slower than I would like.  So many things I want to do, and I only have energy for half of one item.  So, February 7th's reflection in Jesus Calling was a comfort to me:
"Come to me for rest and refreshment.  The journey has been too much for you, and you are bone-weary.  Do not be ashamed of your exhaustion.  instead, see it as an opportunity for Me to take charge of your life.  Remember that I can fit everything into a pattern for good, including the things you wish were different.  Start with where you are at this point in time and space, accepting that this is where I intend you to be.  You will get through today one step, one moment at a time.  Your main responsibility is to remain attentive to Me, letting Me guide you through the many choices along your pathway. . . "
I know my experiences are minor in comparison to chemotherapy or fibromyalgia or other debilitating disorders.  I am also aware of how blessed I am for my good health, and how easy it is to take for granted.  Regardless of the gravity of any of our current circumstances, we all have experiences where life is not going according to 'our' plan.  Do not despair.  God's got this.

Prayer:  Lord, I am sorry for all of the times I have failed to appreciate the blessings in my life, especially the things I take for granted.  Thank you for this opportunity to grow in awareness of Your presence at all times.  Help me to be open to Your graces.

"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose."  ~Romans 8:28

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