Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Have patience, my child

4 days and they are crawling and flying by.  I've already had one bad dream - it was supposedly the day before my flight and I realized I didn't have everything purchased that I needed for the trip.  Then, in the magical timeframe of dreams, I was back on the farm and my entire family starts showing up.  A farewell party, perhaps?  I woke up the next morning sure that I had missed my flight.  Normal stuff, right?  :-)  

The thing that is the most challenging for me, right now, is my voice.  Well, lack thereof, actually.  You see, after a day of work, and various errands and appointments and last-minute details, I get home and want to call friends and family to share my excitement/stress/whatever.  Yet, as I'm continuing to recover, I just don't have the energy available to talk.  And as frustrating as it can be, it's an amazing opportunity as well.  I feel God is prodding me, reminding me to seek Him.  I may want to completely ignore the to-do list I have, yet I cannot ignore God's promptings.  

My lack of voice allows me the opportunity to go inward and connect to God.  There wil be so much to see and do in the next two weeks, but the most important action will be an internal one.  I requested a blessing for my travels from our chaplain today, and part of his prayer over me was the request that my heart would be open to God's message.  And so, although things are not going according to 'my' plan . . . again . . . God's way is more than enough.  '"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares The Lord.' ~Isaiah 55:8

Here's to the goal of patience - which is a lifelong adventure :-)

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