Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 9a

Day 9 continued:

We went to St. Peter in Gallicantu (which we didn't do Sunday).  This was an amazing experience as well.  We were in the courtyard and home of Caiaphas, where Jesus was condemned in the religious trial (he also had a civil trial).  In the country there is a statue that shows Peter denying Jesus.  Inside the church, you can look down into an old cistern.  At the time of Caiaphas, it was used to hold people for punishment.  This was a very deep hole, maybe 10x10 (I'm bad at estimating) and the only way in was through a small opening high above.  The condemned were lowered in from the top by a rope.  It is believed that in between the time Jesus was condemned by Caiaphas late Thursday night and Friday morning, he was kept in this space.  There was also a nearby area that had pinions in the wall, so as to tie someone up for the purpose of torture.  We cannot know for sure, but it seems very probable as Jesus was seen as an enemy of the Jewish rulers at the time, and would likely have been punished and tortured.  We listened to Psalm 88 while in the cistern.  Try reading it while imagining being in such a space, tortured, alone, and scared.

LORD, the God of my salvation, I call out by day; at night I cry aloud in your presence.    3 Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my cry.   4   *For my soul is filled with troubles;          my life draws near to Sheol.     5 I am reckoned with those who go down to the pit;  I am like a warrior without strength.     6 My couch is among the dead,  like the slain who lie in the grave.     You remember them no more; they are cut off from your influence.     7 You plunge me into the bottom of the pit,  into the darkness of the abyss.     8 Your wrath lies heavy upon me; all your waves crash over me.  Because of you my acquaintances shun me; you make me loathsome to them;  Caged in, I cannot escape;   10 my eyes grow dim from trouble.     All day I call on you, LORD;   I stretch out my hands to you.     11   *Do you work wonders for the dead? Do the shades arise and praise you? 12 Is your mercy proclaimed in the grave,  your faithfulness among those who have perished?* 13 Are your marvels declared in the darkness, your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?    14 But I cry out to you, LORD; in the morning my prayer comes before you.     15 Why do you reject my soul, LORD, and hide your face from me?     16 I have been mortally afflicted since youth;  I have borne your terrors and I am made numb.    17 Your wrath has swept over me;    your terrors have destroyed me.  18 All day they surge round like a flood;  from every side they encircle me.     19 Because of you friend and neighbor shun me;  my only friend is darkness.

We also saw the steps that Jesus walked when led from the Garden to Caiaphas's house.  Pilgrims used to be able to walk on them only a few years ago, but people were taking the rocks so it is only viewable from a distance.  Next was lunch at an Armenian restaurant.  After that, we returned to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, since we were unable to get in to the tomb earlier.  There was a line and it was a long wait. While waiting, we saw a delegation arrive with foreign dignitary in tow.  Might have been part of the slowness.  When it was finally our turn, we entered the tomb, a few at a time.  The person at the entrance was trying to hurry people along because some were taking too long.  When you enter, there is a short pillar in the middle of the room. On top of this pillar, enclosed in glass, is a piece of the stone that had covered Jesus' tomb.  This was called the angel's room.  Beyond that was a very small space, which is where Jesus' body would have lain.  The slab that is there now is not the original, which was destroyed by a leader (I forget from which era or nation) who took a hammer to it.  But the part that the new slab is laying on is the original.  There is only room for 3-4 people to come and kneel along the marble.  Slightly claustrophobic!  Again, we couldn't stay long before others were ushered in.  It was so beautiful and unreal.  Because the wait was so long, we didn't have free time in the Old City, so we went back to the hotel.

Before our evening meal, our priests blessed the articles we purchased.  We were also presented with a certificate that stated we had completed a pilgrimage to this holy city.  Very nice.  Then back to our rooms to finish packing.  So far, it appears that everything fits!

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