Friday, January 02, 2015

Day 3

Day 3: Jan 13,  Caesarea - Stella Maris - Nazareth - Tiberias
Theme: The Annunciation 
This morning after breakfast leave for Caesarea, which was once the ancient capital of the Roman province. Here you view the impressive archaeological remains of the Roman and Byzantine city that once dominated the region. It was at Caesarea that Peter came to understand that the Good News was not for Jews only, but for the whole world. Here he baptized the Roman Centurion, Cornelius, and his family. It was from Caesarea that Paul set sail for Rome, an event that eventually brought Christianity to the World. Continue north to Haifa to visit Stella Maris, a Carmelite Monastery dedicated to Our Lady of Mt Carmel and located over the cave where Elijah lived. After enjoying the view of the bay of Acco, drive to Nazareth, the site of Mary’s home and the town where Jesus lived as a child. At Nazareth visit the Byzantine Church of St. Joseph and Mary’s Well. Continue to Tiberias to check – in to your hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Caesara - lots of history there.  King Herod the Great was a very busy man.  It was interesting to see the ruins and know that some of them pre-dated Jesus' time on earth.  

Stella Maris - very moving experience. Saw the cave from the prophet Elijah. The altar is built over the cave.  Strange to be in a space that was occupied by a great prophet from the Old Testament.  The Carmelite Order is also the origin of the Scapular. 

Nazareth - such an interesting city.  Had a delicious lunch with tasty vegetables and fruits, plus a flavorful beef with rice and veggies.  Walked to a Greek Orthodox Church, Church of Mary's Well, which is reputed to be the well where Mary would have drawn water for her family in Nazareth.  We were able to get Holy Water from the site.  Then we went to the Church of the Anunciation, which is built upon the original village of Nazareth, and specifically commemorating Gabriel's anunciation to Mary.  Excavation under the church has revealed rooms and ruins that are reputed to be where the Holy Family lived.  There was also a room that was uncovered with carpentry tools, which are believed to be Joseph's.  A church to St. Joseph was built over that area.  We celebrated our first Mass as a group in the upper level of the Church of the Anunciation.  It was absolutely wonderful!  Such a beautiful space and a meaningful celebration of the Mass.

We drove through Cana to Tiberias, but it was too dark to see much.  The Sea of Galilee is nearby, can't wait to see it.  Beautiful hotel again, the accomodations are incredible.  So many blessings.

1 comment:

Bro Dan said...

Thanks for 'taking us with you', for taking the time to jot down your experience. Keep it coming!