Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A new view of Palm Sunday - Part 2

Statue of Jesus
Continued from A New View of Palm Sunday

Until my pilgrimage to the Holy Land, I never thought about the time frame of events surround Jesus' Passion.  After celebrating the First Eucharist, going to the garden, Jesus' was arrest and awaited both religious and civil trials.  What about the time in between?  We saw a cistern that was likely used to hold prisoners and enemies of the chief priests and elders.  There were cave areas that appeared to be cells and torture chambers.  Being in that space, it was easy to image how bleak and desolate it would have been.  The feelings of abandonment and fear were readily present.  

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A new view of Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday Road
It's been 77 days since I began my journey to the Holy Land.  In some ways, it seems like it's been ages since I went.  But I usually get a little nudge from Scripture that takes me back there.  With Palm Sunday's Gospel of Jesus' Passion, I got a great big wallop!  The scene begins with Jesus entering Jerusalem on a colt.  This would have been on the road, now called Palm Sunday road.  I remember when we walked it, long and winding.  It appears much different today, paved and narrow, with walls and fences.  Our guide described the likely scene with Jesus and the crowds and the branches.  I understand why we use palms - there are lots of palm trees in Israel!  It makes sense :)

View from Palm Sunday Road

Thankful Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - March 27-29, 2015

POP Rocks :)
I haven't been as good about recording my thankfulness as I would like.  So here's a mega-thankful post that covers the recent experiences I've had.  

-Bananas 2015 - I had the privilege of playing a small part with the music for this event.  As usual, I have received much more than I gave.  To be on the stage with all of the students who were there to Go Bananas for Jesus - wow!  The power in the gym was incredible (and the music wasn't half bad either!).  I love music, and I especially enjoy when I can play music that I love.  Our songs and musicians and audience made Friday night electric.  

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Prayer - just do it . . .

Prayer is a funny thing.  You never know what might happen when you pray.  It can be dangerous; you might end up changed.  Well, actually you should be changed, if you're doing it right.  There are many books and resources on prayer that can define and dissect this occurrence much better than I.  So I will stick with reflecting on personal experience and go from there.

If I stop to think about prayer, I would call it a conversation between God and I.  Except, if I'm being honest, my prayer tends to go one of two ways:  1 - my list of demands/requests/complaints/sorrows (depending on the day or my mood) or 2 - gratitude for blessings.  The part that is not equally represented is my time to listen to God.  See, both of the previous conversation types are pretty one-sided.  It's not that God doesn't want to hear my troubles or my joys; God wants it all.  Yet, to truly have a conversation, there needs to be listening on my side as well.  I really recognized this last Advent, and worked on prioritizing prayer time.  Like exercising, healthy eating, or building any good habit, it's hard.  It takes commitment; sometimes more commitment than I want to give.  I'm slowly growing in my awareness of this deficiency, which is big.  Isn't the first step admitting you have a problem?  :)

How do you hear God?  Could you recognize God's voice?  What does it sound like?

Monday, March 09, 2015

Psalm 31

I was one again doubting many things:  God,  myself, and my faith.  I had spent a portion of the day criticizing myself for bad choices, and more time worrying about things beyond my control!   As I briefly texted a friend, I was certainly living moment to moment because I was engulfed in chaos.  Unable to sort things out myself,  I wisely decided to consult God.  I was partaking in the wonderful opportunity of adoration in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament after mass, and I was perusing some devotionals I brought along.  Flipping through one book,  the following words caught my eye:  "So what's worrying you today?  Are you trying to take care of it yourself?  Or are you praying Psalm 31?"

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Jesus in a friend

I recently had two encounters with dear ones who were Christ personified for me.  Whether by intuition, divine intervention, or being in the wrong (or right) place at the right time, they were each Christ.  I don't have a poker face, so perhaps my pain was evident, or maybe the chaos of life right now was reflected in my eyes.  Either way, I was approached, and asked how I was.  Who knew such a trite question could be a vehicle of God's love?  I responded to the underlying love and concern, ready to share my burden, even if I didn't know how.  The verse from Proverbs comes to mind:  "A friend is a friend at all times, and a brother is born for the time of adversity."  ~Proverbs 17:17  In their faces I saw Christ's love.  In their eyes I felt the compassion of the Spirit.  In their hugs I knew the Father's grace.  

Thank you, Lord, for using Your people to express Your love to the world.  

Lenten Struggle

Lent has been difficult for me this year.  I know; it's supposed to be a challenge.  However, I feel that I'm experiencing more than the 'usual' struggles.  Maybe it's because I'm looking at life differently since my pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  Maybe I'm being tempted more and unable to resist.  Maybe God is giving me the opportunity to wholly rely on Him, and it scares me. 

Regardless, my human nature complains.  'Why this?  Why me?  Why?'  There are no easy answers.  I do not know God's mind, but I do believe in God's plan, even when it's hidden or obscure.  It seems as though God is permitting numerous obstacles so as to deepen my faith.  I'm certainly not to the level of Job, but I have been contemplating his life in the face of trials.  He was desolate and devastated, yet he still praised God:  "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." ~Job 1:21b