Sunday, March 29, 2015

Thankful Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - March 27-29, 2015

POP Rocks :)
I haven't been as good about recording my thankfulness as I would like.  So here's a mega-thankful post that covers the recent experiences I've had.  

-Bananas 2015 - I had the privilege of playing a small part with the music for this event.  As usual, I have received much more than I gave.  To be on the stage with all of the students who were there to Go Bananas for Jesus - wow!  The power in the gym was incredible (and the music wasn't half bad either!).  I love music, and I especially enjoy when I can play music that I love.  Our songs and musicians and audience made Friday night electric.  

YLK Habitat build day
(I didn't get the memo about wearing blue . . . )
-Habitat for Humanity - I experienced my first build day with Youth Leadership Kearney.  The class selected Habitat as the service project this year.  I've never seen a pile of boards transformed before my eyes.  It was quite the experience, to be serving our community in a physical way.  It was also humbling, and made me reflect on my abundance of things.  Both in gratitude for what I have and awareness of the excess I possess.  I was also in awe of the volunteers I met.  These people donate their time so that people can have homes.  What an example of service!

James is one of the most amazing musicians I know -
thank you for teaching me about ministry!
-Palm Sunday - This section will get much more reflection this week, but as we enter into Holy
Week, I am drawn even more into our amazing liturgies.  It was wonderful to celebrate Palm Sunday with our new bishop at Bananas.  Again - a mindblowing experience to hear the multitude of voices raised in song.  I am grateful that I could be a small part of it.  

It is interesting to reflect on our entrance of Jesus as King, with palm branches waving, and then participating in the reading of His Passion, where we, as the Crowd, call for His death.  It is a difficult, but necessary role that we play when we read the Passion.  I have never liked words of the Crowd, shouting, "Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!"  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.  Yet, that is what our sin does; it takes us from peace to violence.  My unkind thoughts or rude comments turn me from God.  My sinful choices nail Jesus to the cross.  I pray for the grace to have my eyes opened so that I may recognize my sins and see them with as much abhorrence as I feel when I call for Jesus' death in the Passion.  

Lord, words alone cannot describe my gratitude for the gift of salvation made possible by Your death and Resurrection.  The best way to praise You is to live for You, loving as You love us.  Help me to know Your love so I may share it with those around me.  

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