Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thankful Thursday 8/28/14

Today I want to express gratitude for things that sometimes don't appear as gifts. For example, mowing is not my favorite activity, yet I am very thankful that 1) I have house with a front and back yard, 2) I have the physical ability to mow, 3) the sense of accomplishment seeing a freshly mowed lawn, 4) the time to appreciate nature, including flowers, grass, and weeds - God made them all!  So, while mowing may not be my preferred pastime, it blesses me in many ways.

Other items on my non-obvious gratitude list:
-having a roommate who is planning her wedding - I get to share ideas, be a listening ear, help with music selections, and play for a person who enjoys listening to my music.  It's fun to be a part of her excitement and anticipation.
-having (multiple) meaningful jobs - whether it is knowing that my work helps a family recover from a flooded basement or promote a healthier environment, or if I'm getting people involved in a liturgy, what I do matters.
-having a (mostly) good attitude - when I'm having a bad attitude day, I realize how much nicer it is to be happy, even when things aren't going smoothly.  I take the good days for granted, so I am thankful for them, and I am working to become more aware.
-having a relationship with God - this one is probably my most over-looked and most important gratitude item.  Without it, I am lost, yet it is like oxygen - I don't consciously think about how much my relationship with God blesses my life.  Every moment is an opportunity to give thanks.

". . . The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!"  ~Job 1:21b

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