Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ticking off mosquitoes

I made a comment the other day that mosquitoes shouldn't be able to bite you when you are exercising.  You are doing something healthy, and along comes a distraction with a really big itch.  Doesn't seem right.  Apparently the mosquito clan (similar to the mob or mafia) got wind of my comment and I became the target of retribution.  I have bites on my bites and they itch like crazy.

I know.  Big deal.  Everyone gets mosquito bites.  I may feel unfairly targeted (I think I must have tasty blood), but so what?  Well, I thought there was a lesson to be learned.  I didn't want all of my anti-itch efforts to be in vain.

I have no less than 7 welts, and at any given moment, one (or more) of them is begging to be scratched.  So it's safe to say that they are on my mind a lot. All day long, right up until the moment I fall asleep (if they don't touch the bed as I fall asleep!).  

What would happen to my life if I focused on God as much as I'm focused on those pesky bites?  First off, that's a lot of time spent thinking about God throughout my day.  Also, I'm pretty sure that if I'm thinking about God that much, I'm going to be a lot less likely to be grouchy or rude or negative.  No more selfish motivation and a lot less questionable motives.

I'm not saying that I'm going to thank God for my mosquito bites and ask for a few more tomorrow to test my theory, but I am considering how I can adjust my focus.  I don't think my willpower is strong enough to ignore the itch, but I hope to add a more of God in my day, thanks to the mosquitoes.        

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