Saturday, November 29, 2014

Advent 2014

Wow - it's already time for Advent. I was proud that I had my Advent wreath out right after Thanksgiving. But what does that Advent wreath mean? It sits in the middle of my table for roughly 4 weeks. Why? Thanksgiving seems to be the final speed bump before Christmas can explode everywhere - sales, decorations, lights, trees, music, and more. Sometimes those things start even before Thanksgiving, and I can be just as guilty as anyone. So, what about Advent? It is a time of preparation, yes, but not solely for the purpose of finding the perfect gifts or displaying our picturesque decorations.

Intentional Living

A recent post (read it) mentioned intentional living.  The term came from some Matthew Kelly materials I'd been reading/listening to (Check out some of my recommendations here).  Many of the talks I'd heard referred to 'intentionality' or moving forward with purpose.  I think most of his books refer to this idea in some form.  It's a focus that I've been trying to incorporate in my life, but not always successfully.

In a very broad sense, intentional living means I am discerning God's Will and doing my best to move forward.  In a more practical sense, I am prudent in my choices, and moving forward with a plan, rather than waiting for life to happen to me.  What surprises me is how much this sounds like entrepreneurship or corporate America.  Isn't the 'American Dream' going after what you want?  Maybe so, but the very BIG difference is that intentional living is not about personal gain, but rather spiritual gain.  I suppose these paths are not mutually exclusive, but don't confuse the differences.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Thanksgiving 2014

Lord, on this day of gratitude I lift my prayer:

~May I never take for granted the gift of life.  Help me to always honor this gift by living according to Your Will.

~May I always appreciate the love of family and friends.  Teach me to open my home and heart to all.

~May I not forget how precious each of God's creatures are.  Show me how to love others as You love.

~May I live each day as though it was my last, not fearful or filled with regret.  Remind me that You have a plan.

~May I sing for joy, this day and every day, as I open my eyes to the richness of life.  Fill me with Your grace .

~May I journey forward, confident in You.  Guide my path so I may live eternally with You.

"Give thanks to the Lord, who is good, whose love endures forever;" ~1 Chronicles 16:34

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Ezekiel
Psalm 23 - the Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Epistle - 1 Corinthians - Christ is the firstfruits
Gospel - Matthew 25 - "Whatever you did for the least brothers of mine, you did for me."

What a great day to be Catholic! Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year (yikes!) which means we celebrate Jesus as King of the Universe. There is so much that can be said of today's liturgy and Scripture, but I want to focus on the connection I made with a book I'm reading: Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Fr. James Martin. I have this as both an e-book and an audio book, so I can read or listen whenever I had time. Today I started on Chapter 21 - Golgotha. It was interesting to read about Jesus' Passion and Death (resurrection was in the next chapter) on the day we celebrate Jesus as King of the Universe. I felt that the timing of this was not coincidental. Hearing the details of the Crucifixion seemed especially striking, considering the Feast for today.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22 - Feast of St. Cecilia

Happy Feast Day to me!  Today is the feast of St. Cecilia, patron saint of musicians.  For obvious reasons, I also chose Cecilia as my confirmation name, so I have even more to celebrate.  I love that we have patron saints.  Why?  Well, just like I rely on experts in various areas (spiritual direction, health, learning, etc.), the saints fulfill the same role, with a spiritual focus.  Just the other day, I had an opportunity to invoke St. Anthony for help in finding something that was lost.  We had searched everywhere, and it was imperative that we find it back.  What was lost has since been found - thank you St. Anthony!  Again, similar to my health coach or tax consultant, I can petition the saints for direction, help, and clarity.  And, as I've discovered, I am much more likely to stay on track with guidance from the experts!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/20/14 - Give Thanks part 2

Yesterday was a full day, but, as I anticipated, it went smoothly.  I credit that to my focus.  By looking to God's plan, and not mine, I kept things in perspective.  Yes, it was a long day, and I struggled at various points, but, I believe that because of my focus, my day was better.  Matthew Kelly refers to the goal of being intentional; what are you going to do, and how are you going to do it, and then you get up and do it!

By naming my priority for the day, I was intentional about my actions.  Much like one can choose his/her attitude, I chose my focus.  I wanted to be glad in my Maker, and sing for joy (see post here).  No, I did not break out into song during the meetings, although I was given permission to do so during one meeting!  I'm not saying that every day I'm going to keep this up or have my focus on that priority.  I will, however, continue to strive for that attitude on a regular basis.

I want to sing for joy.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/20/14 - Give Thanks

Today will be a full day.  I know, what days aren't?  I don't want to call it busy, because that word has become synonymous with harried, frantic, and other slightly negative terms.  I prefer the word full, because I intend to be mindful throughout my day.  My activities are deliberate, even if there
are many that will happen today.  I wish to be present for every part of the day.  That is my goal.  From board meetings to council meetings and everything in between, I am thankful.

The verses of today's responsorial psalm reaffirm my goals:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God's response

God has a sense of humor, for sure.

I had an 'animated' conversation with God last night.  I was frustrated and tired, and asked God to make my next step apparent.  The particular situation in question was beyond my control, and needed Divine Intervention, either in the form of a change of the situation or a change in my desires.

I went to sleep, and when I got up the next morning, I remembered my plea.  I pondered what might develop, and then proceeded to prepare for the day.  In the mornings, my routine doesn't vary much, other than how much time I procrastinate :)  The part that does change is my audio environment.  Most mornings I get ready in outward silence, because I have so many thoughts and ideas going through my head, I don't miss the external noise.  There are times, however, when I will crank up a playlist or audio book or listen to my morning prayers.  Today, I was drawn to a playlist.  I have lots of options, to fit lots of moods.  One of my favorites is my 'Inspirational' list, and that one gets a lot of play.  I hit play on my tablet and started brushing my teeth.

The song that started playing - I did not select a particular song, just the playlist, remember - was While I'm Waiting by John Waller.  Wham!  All I could do was smile and chuckle.  "Okay God, I hear You!"  It's an amazing song, and worth checking out.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/13/14 - Emmalyn

I'm posting this early, because I wanted to share a connection that has been instrumental in my life.  Today I learned that my very first piano teacher died.  Emmalyn was a dear soul.  I don't remember a lot of details from my first piano lessons with her, but there are a few things that stick out.

Her house had a beautiful sun room, and I loved to peek in after my lesson was
finished.  I sometimes got to wait in there for my mom to pick me up.  I remember working in my very first piano books that had the funny songs and drawings to help me learn my lessons.  She always had a sweet treat for after the lesson, but it wasn't a bribe or reward for doing well; she simply had the gift of hospitality.  I liked her, even as a young child.  I've had teachers who intimidated me, but Emmalyn was a welcoming presence.  She loved music and teaching, which was evident.

I don't recall when I stopped taking lessons from her, but living in a small town meant our lives intersected many more times.  Over the course of my grade school, high school, and college years I took some more music lessons, but none of my teachers had a cool sun room or cookies after lessons :)  My technique improved, and my love of music grew.  Over the years I played for many, many church services, school Masses, and even, on occasion, just for fun.  I dabbled in teaching my own students, minus a cool sun room, and truly enjoyed helping students grow and learn.

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Bascilica in Rome 

Sunday was a great day for memories.  As we celebrated the Feast of the Bascilica in Rome - St. John in Lateran, I was reminded of my first pilgrimage.  It's hard to believe it's been 7 years since we went to Rome.  St. John's was incredible; huge and glorious.  What an experience!

There is so much more to this church, but I am not the best teacher.  Time has dimmed some of my details.  What I do know is that our Catholic faith has a beautiful history, as well as a wonderful same-ness no matter where you are.  It is that connection that unites us, both near and far.  Ultimately, with the celebration of such a glorious place, my heart is happy.  I'm happy to have had the opportunity to go there.  I'm happy that we have such a rich heritage in our faith.  I'm happy that we have a universal church that is diverse and similar, near and far, many and one.  I'm proud to claim a connection to this place via my Catholic faith.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/6/14

Today I am thankful for forgiveness.  This is really a daily thanks, if I'm willing to admit I when I am wrong!  I recently took my stress and frustration out on a friend, and shortly after the moment, I realized my error.  I wanted to justify my position and words.  I was tired, I am behind on project A, I have thing B looming over me, I am allowed to be grouchy once in a while!  The reality was, no, there is never an excuse for being unkind.  So shortly after our interaction, I knew I had to apologize and seek forgiveness.

Thankfully the circle from me messing up, realizing my mistake, and seeking forgiveness is getting smaller.  So either I'm recognizing my error and resolving it more quickly, or I'm getting more practice because I do it too much.  Hmmm.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

A new adventure

Good morning! Welcome to a new day! What do you have planned for your adventure today?

Recently, I've been pondering the 'everyday' mentality. All too often, it seems as though I spend more time in anticipation of something rather than in participating in the 'right-now'.  Why can't today be an adventure of its own? Maybe it's not grand or spectacular, but it has just as much potential to be amazing and noteworthy.  Each day brings with it many opportunities.

Which opportunity will you seize today?

"From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the Lord be praised."  ~Psalm 113:3

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/30/14 - life

So many things for which to be thankful.  I'm a little late on this post, so I'm going to encompass more than just my Thursday thanks.  This time of year has several meaningful moments.  The beauty of the leaves (even if I have to rake them up), the crisp air, and the bountiful harvest.  It is also the anniversary of buying my house - something that still surprises me.  Home ownership is an adventure of its own!  The opportunity to honor those who have died.  We have the Feast of All Saints (Nov 1) and All Souls (Nov 2).  There are so many people who have influenced my life and are now with God.  Minnie died on November 1, 2003.  She was a delightful lady who graciously agreed to be my adopted grandma.  My grandparents were all gone, and every Grandparents Day in grade school, I didn't have anyone to invite.  Minnie's grandchildren lived farther away, so it was a mutually beneficial arrangement.  I loved having her in my life and I know she still looks out for me.  Our relationship is the only real Grandparent relationship I knew.  What a blessing.

Death is difficult.  Loss is hard.  There are no words to fix things, or gifts to repair broken hearts.  I like to think that some healing occurs when we consciously remember our loved ones.  They are not lost to us forever.  Our relationship may have changed in the physical sense, but our connection remains.  I am very thankful that we have a day specially for our beloved dead, but I know that for most of us who have grieved, our memories are not limited to one day.  So I am even more thankful for life; for the opportunity to have lived and loved those souls who are no longer physically among us, as well as the comfort of knowing they are only a prayer away.