Friday, November 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/20/14 - Give Thanks part 2

Yesterday was a full day, but, as I anticipated, it went smoothly.  I credit that to my focus.  By looking to God's plan, and not mine, I kept things in perspective.  Yes, it was a long day, and I struggled at various points, but, I believe that because of my focus, my day was better.  Matthew Kelly refers to the goal of being intentional; what are you going to do, and how are you going to do it, and then you get up and do it!

By naming my priority for the day, I was intentional about my actions.  Much like one can choose his/her attitude, I chose my focus.  I wanted to be glad in my Maker, and sing for joy (see post here).  No, I did not break out into song during the meetings, although I was given permission to do so during one meeting!  I'm not saying that every day I'm going to keep this up or have my focus on that priority.  I will, however, continue to strive for that attitude on a regular basis.

I want to sing for joy.

Speaking of singing, I had a lovely time this evening singing for joy with my buddy J.  His current favorite song is "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".  I think I sang it at least 20 times while he did the actions.  His delight in the simple things is worth noting.  Yes, he may only be 19 months old, but he is capable of experiencing pure joy.  When did joy get pushed aside and replaced with discontent, tiredness, and apathy?  I choose to delight in God, to sing with joy, and love unconditionally.  I won't do this perfectly, and I promise it won't be all of the time, but I will continue working.  I am intent on my goal.  I may have to start over each day, and sometimes, throughout the day.  Now, all that is left is to go do it.  Go get your joy on!

"Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart's desire."  ~Psalm 37:4

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