Saturday, November 29, 2014

Advent 2014

Wow - it's already time for Advent. I was proud that I had my Advent wreath out right after Thanksgiving. But what does that Advent wreath mean? It sits in the middle of my table for roughly 4 weeks. Why? Thanksgiving seems to be the final speed bump before Christmas can explode everywhere - sales, decorations, lights, trees, music, and more. Sometimes those things start even before Thanksgiving, and I can be just as guilty as anyone. So, what about Advent? It is a time of preparation, yes, but not solely for the purpose of finding the perfect gifts or displaying our picturesque decorations.

Thankfully, Advent is forgiving and and flexible. I mean that in the sense that we can always take the opportunity to step back from the chaos that invades our lives during the month of December, and ponder what this season is really about. Our physical preparations anticipate Christmas, but we also need to do interior preparations, for our soul. One obvious test is the tangled string of Christmas lights; do we become bad-tempered when we are decorating in anticipation for the season of peace? Or does our patience grow thin at lines, extra requests by charities or bell ringers, or especially when life doesn't follow our seasonal script?  

Cling to the Advent season as an oasis of peace in the midst of our sometimes overwhelming, fast-paced life. Every day will present its own challenges and opportunities to practice patience. Anticipation is half the fun, so savor it!
“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.  The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.  You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near.”  ~James 5:7-8

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