Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God's response

God has a sense of humor, for sure.

I had an 'animated' conversation with God last night.  I was frustrated and tired, and asked God to make my next step apparent.  The particular situation in question was beyond my control, and needed Divine Intervention, either in the form of a change of the situation or a change in my desires.

I went to sleep, and when I got up the next morning, I remembered my plea.  I pondered what might develop, and then proceeded to prepare for the day.  In the mornings, my routine doesn't vary much, other than how much time I procrastinate :)  The part that does change is my audio environment.  Most mornings I get ready in outward silence, because I have so many thoughts and ideas going through my head, I don't miss the external noise.  There are times, however, when I will crank up a playlist or audio book or listen to my morning prayers.  Today, I was drawn to a playlist.  I have lots of options, to fit lots of moods.  One of my favorites is my 'Inspirational' list, and that one gets a lot of play.  I hit play on my tablet and started brushing my teeth.

The song that started playing - I did not select a particular song, just the playlist, remember - was While I'm Waiting by John Waller.  Wham!  All I could do was smile and chuckle.  "Okay God, I hear You!"  It's an amazing song, and worth checking out.

I'm waiting 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
And I am hopeful 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
Though it is painful 
But patiently, I will wait 

I will move ahead, bold and confident 
Taking every step in obedience 
While I'm waiting 
I will serve You 
While I'm waiting 
I will worship 
While I'm waiting 
I will not faint 
I'll be running the race 
Even while I wait 

I'm waiting 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
And I am peaceful 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
Though it's not easy 
But faithfully, I will wait 
Yes, I will wait 
I will serve You while I'm waiting 
I will worship while I'm waiting 
I will serve You while I'm waiting 
I will worship while I'm waiting 
I will serve you while I'm waiting 
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord

Okay, okay - I hear you, God, loud and clear!  I shook my head and only rolled my eyes a little bit.  God heard me, and I had my answer.  Sigh.  I was reminded of the bible verse, ". . .  for we walk by faith, not by sight."  ~2 Corinthians 5:7.  As if that wasn't enough, God followed up with a 2nd message, in case I missed the first song.  You know, if I had soap in my ears .  . . or something.  Anyway, the next song was Completely by Ana Laura.  If I had any doubt that God heard my prayer, it was gone.  It's another great song, which I'll probably share more in-depth at some point, but the gist of the song is trust in God's plan.  I felt like I had been hit by a one-two punch.  "Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive."  ~Matthew 21:22.

I got an answer - maybe not the kind of answer I wanted, but it was an answer.

Wait.  Trust.  Have Faith.

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