Thursday, August 15, 2013

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - part 1

Lots of good stuff for the weekend liturgy.

Quick synopsis:
1st Reading - Jeremiah - Basically the prophet Jeremiah preaches the truth to Israel, and they don't like what he has to say, so they throw him in a cistern.
Psalm - Lord, come to my aid!  Even when we are feeling utterly lost or abandoned, our God is present.
2nd Reading - Hebrews - Jesus Christ took the ultimate shame of dying on a cross and redeemed it and us!
Gospel - Luke - Household will be divided upon itself.  Basic message - God comes first.

My translation:
It's always interesting to see how the scripture unfolds and what message may emerge.  Tonight we discussed the idea of division.  One of the reflections in Living Liturgy says, ". . . that neither Jesus nor we choose division and strife; we choose to speak God's word and preach the values consistent with God's reign.  Division occur simply by being faithful to God's message."  In the first reading, Jeremiah was preaching God's Word, and his audience didn't like what he had to say.  Their solution was to silence the truth-teller by throwing him in a well.  When Jesus preached, many didn't like His ideas, and they crucified Him.  Jeremiah and Jesus didn't seek to 'stir things up' and create division, but division is certainly a potential side-effect of following Christ.

One part of our conversation was about the household divided.  On the surface it seems so anti-love (aka anti-Jesus' message).  But when you read the context and understanding the meaning behind it, you get a different picture.  Our call to discipleship is so complete that we cannot have distractions, attachments, or anything between us and God.  It is a steep price, but the reward is beyond all knowledge.  Two Sundays ago (see post here), we were encouraged to let go of earthly things - possessions, stuff, materialistic pursuits, etc.  I think today's message is urging us to go even deeper than 'stuff'.  There is no dulling the bluntness of a truth which we try to avoid:  God is first.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  It is only when we completely embrace the cross of Jesus and become a disciple that we live the Gospel.

Prayer - God, you know my heart and You know when I avoid speaking up because it's hard, or when I intentionally stir up chaos even if I know I shouldn't.  Help me to accept division as a by-product of Gospel living, not a weapon to be wielded against others.  May my actions speak loud enough for others to recognize my devotion to You.

Part 2 coming soon!

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