Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The End . . .

. . . of 2014, that is.  Couldn't let the year end without one last post.  This week hasn't been stellar for me.  I'm ringing in the new year with a nasty cold, likely sinus infection, and I've been home sick all week.  Plus I had an emergency trip to the dentist when I cracked a tooth over the weekend.  Not to mention the last-minute details for my trip (hope I'm recovered by then!).  Yuck!  2015 has to be an improvement, right?  It's been very easy to pity myself, but I want to end this year with gratitude and start the new year with an improved attitude.

I have been beyond blessed in 2014, and I am eternally grateful to God for the graces of this year.  I can't possibly compile a list to encompass everything that happened in this year.  Therefore, I would like to share several verses that have spoken to me during tough times, the happy times, and everything in between.

"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you - oracle of the Lord - plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope." 
~Jeremiah 29:11

"Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed."  
~Proverbs 16:3

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."  
~1 Peter 4:8

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus."  
~Philippians 4:6-7

"I am feeble and utterly crushed; I groan in anguish of heart.  All my longings lie open before you, Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you."  
~Psalms 38:8-9

And thus we end this year and venture into another one.  Blessings to you in 2015!  May you know joy and peace in the new year.  May God's graces continue to shower upon you as we all journey to Heaven. 

With much love,

  "So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love."  
~1 Corinthians 13:13  

Friday, December 26, 2014

Thankful Thursday - 12/25/14

My heart is full, and there is even more room for joy and love, possibilities and challenges, and whatever life presents.  I think that when we exemplify Christ's love, our hearts grow to even bigger capacities than we thought possible.

Love is laughter and happiness, giving and receiving.
Love is sharing pain and struggles, tears and frustrations.
Love is family, even when you don't agree or get along.
Love is harder than we want, and better than we imagine.
Love is Christmas, every day of our lives.
Live Love.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

"For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord."  ~from Luke 2

What a blessing to be able to celebrate Christ's birth.  Even more so, when we recognize that Christ comes every day in our lives, and will return at the end of time.  History, mystery, and majesty.  There is something magical about the experience of Midnight Mass.  To proclaim joy with the song "Joy to the World," or to imagine the angel choirs when we sing "Angels We Have Heard on High".  We become what we proclaim. 

May we continue to proclaim Christ and His message of love throughout our lives.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The 11th Hour

I know I've got a few posts in the wings that need to come out, but I wanted to comment on something I heard at Mass Monday night.  In the last day(s) before Christmas, we must remember that we are still in Advent.  There may be lists and tasks and distractions, but our spiritual preparations are not yet finished.  There are still graces to be received, and we shouldn't rush ahead to Christmas without fully living the Advent season.  It's tough, I know.  As with most holidays (secular or religious-based), the day after the event marks the countdown to the next holiday!  As Christians, Christmas begins after Advent ends, and continues through to the Baptism of our Lord, celebrated 2 Sundays later, which hinges Christmas and Ordinary time in our liturgical year.  The twelve days of Christmas (which isn't just a long Christmas song) begin the day AFTER Christmas.

I'm as guilty as the next person, but the great thing is that I can change.  I will work on being mindful of the season, doing my best to be fully present in the present.  I challenge you to make a quick Advent prayer, perhaps asking for the graces that God wishes to impart in the final hours of this season of preparation.  What spiritual blessings are waiting for us, for our undivided attention?  

Prayer - Lord, it is sometimes tough to live in the present.  Help us focus on this time of preparation so that we can be receive Your abundant graces, just as the fields receive rain in due time.  Your timing is perfect; help us trust in You.

"Therefor be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.  The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.  You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near."  ~James 5:7-8

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thankful Thursday 12/18/14

If you read about my recent automotive adventures here, you can appreciate that I am very thankful for my transportation.  This week it has included walking, riding my bike (painfully slow, perhaps), getting rides from friends, and ultimately having my own 'wheels' again!  The entire adventure was very interesting.  It was a great experience in reminding me to be grateful for things that I normally take for granted.  Being able to go to the grocery store when I want, for example.  Certainly not earth-shattering nor is that a life-and-death situation, but it is one instance where I forget how easy I have it.  It was always good to be in a situation where I had to ask for help.  Independence is ingrained in us, and praised from a young age, but good relationships require interaction.  It is good to give help, but it is also good, and sometimes harder, to receive help.  I believe it was God's grace that allowed me to have a mostly positive attitude about the experience. 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  ~Jeremiah 29:11.  This verse speaks to me of the reality that even in the valleys, we have 'hope and a future'.  It's easy to forget this when life is easy, or things are going according to our plan.  Yet, it is in valleys, when we feel lost or overwhelmed, that we are even closer to God.  Our vulnerability opens us to God in ways that our success cannot. 

In this week before Christmas, may we keep the joy of Christmas first and foremost, so that whether our lives are in the peaks or valleys, we can wholeheartedly trust in God's promise. 

Getting closer

It's less then a month from the start of my trip.  A lot can happen in that time.  I feel as though time will simultaneously crawl and fly.  Not sure how that could be possible, but that's just the sense I get.  I've already begun packing, or at least collecting the items I will need.

I have finished my 'guide book', Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Fr. James Martin.  Highly recommend.  It's like a pilgrimage without the hassle of travel!  I am diligently exercising for our tour, and I'm praying.  My prayer requests include the desire that this is a fruitful trip, and that I am open to God.

Advent has been a great time to prepare.  The anticipation that describes our Advent journey, certainly applies here.  I think my biggest challenge is/will be enjoying process before the trip even happens.  So many good things have come into my life already.  I've had an outpouring of prayer support, several conversations with people who have been there, and opportunities to share my faith with people of all faiths.  It's overwhelming and humbling all at once.
One of the most incredible parts of my preparation so far has been the prayer requests.  When I started telling friends and family, I offered to carry any prayer requests they had.  I was not prepared for the immense feeling of purpose I had when people shared their requests with me.  I was not prepared for the weight of responsibility that I felt.  My trip took on another dimension once I offered to be a messenger.  It's not that I believe God hears prayers better from the Holy Land, but the power of intercessory prayer became very apparent.  I have begun and continue to lift up the prayer requests as a part of my preparation.  It has also reminded me to identify my own prayers so I can recognize God's answer when it comes.

The journey continues, each day bringing me closer to one of my heart's desires.  Psalm 37:4 fits my thoughts so well right now, "Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart's desire."  
I hope to keep living this, long after I return from this pilgrimage.

Patience, prayer, and trust.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Unexpected adventures and tangled car parts

Today did not go the way I planned.  I fully appreciate the adage, "If you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans."  I always figured that applied to momentous decisions and important choices, not running errands and being productive.  My morning was good, I was getting things done around my house, making preparations for Christmas, and tying up various loose ends on projects and my to-do list.  In the afternoon I drove to the gym, which was apparently my first mistake.  See, my muffler has recently gone on strike, and I needed to get it in to be fixed.  The strike turned into a full-on mutiny when I returned home and re-entered my garage, by way of a two-inch height difference which makes my car bounce as I drive into the garage.  I am now the proud owner of a car with pieces in places they do not belong.  Lucky me!  So, that changed my plans to run errands, go to the post office, and get groceries.

Thankful Thursday 12/11/14 - resolutions

It's been an incredible week.  Lots of good things happening in my world and internally in my prayer life.  One thing that I am most thankful for right now is my spiritual resolution to make prayer time a priority.  Since Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical year, it makes sense to consider some spiritual resolutions, just like many people do at the beginning of new calendar year.  Yes, I usually make resolutions, and no, I don't always keep them.  However, the idea of spiritual resolutions really intrigued me.  I believe each day is a new opportunity to start fresh or continue a good work.  That's forgiveness, mercy, and grace in action!  So, I decided to work on my prayer life as a spiritual resolution.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Second Sunday of Advent - 2014

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaiah - announce the coming of our God
Psalm 85 - Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.
Epistle - 2 Peter - God's time, prepare for the Lord
Gospel - Mark - Introduction of John the Baptist

Our God is coming! Yet, our God is here, and our God was born into our world over 2000 years ago. We must remember that we celebrate Jesus' coming in history, mystery, and majesty.

In the season of Advent, it is easy to focus on the history of Jesus' birth. However, we must go beyond the history to realize the breadth and depth of the presence of God. The mystery of Jesus' coming is something we experience every day of our life, through the Holy Spirit, and especially when we celebrate the Mass. Many others, much wiser than myself, can delve into these thoughts more clearly, but I consider the mystery piece to be both comforting and confusing! Comforting that our Lord is continually present; in our daily life, in the people we meet, and in our prayers and actions (hopefully!). Confusing because we cannot comprehend God's complete love for each of us, nor are we able to fathom the Paschal Mystery. Jesus Christ's passion, death, and Resurrection gave us the gift of salvation. Wow! Finally, the majesty speaks to Jesus' coming at the end of time, when He will sit in judgment of the world.

Whew! That gives me a lot more to consider during Advent. Maybe this year I can include a new focus in my Advent preparations: to prayerfully ponder Christ's coming in mystery each and every day. Especially during the final days of Advent when life becomes even more hectic.

Prayer - Lord, As I continue to learn, I am amazed at all of the ways You reach out to me. Grant me the grace to grow in knowledge of Your love for me. May I remember that You love me as I am, right now.

Monday, December 08, 2014

Thankful Thursday 12/4/14

I'm falling into my trap of perfection again.  If I don't reflect properly or quickly or some other adverb, then I can't post anything until I catch up.  It's a terrible misconception on my part.  On one hand, there are so many great things during the season of Advent which lend to my reflection and contemplation.  On the other hand, I believe that there will always be opportunities for reflection, so waiting doesn't get me anywhere in my writing.

Quandary of quandaries.  This feels very chicken/egg :)

So, in the interest of consistency, here is my latest 'Thankful Thursday', albeit a little delayed:

The season of Advent is my current chart-topper in thankfulness.  I have been experiencing such depth during this time, and a sense of peace.  There are so many questions, unknowns, and varieties of chaos in my life currently, yet I can trust that God has a plan.  A recent conversation with a friend reaffirmed my viewpoint.  We were discussing a longing that has been growing in me, and I commented that I felt like Advent was a good time to journey with this desire.  She agreed, and encouraged me to focus on this season of waiting as a parallel to my questions on my journey.  I have the ability to help others discern and identify their feelings, which generally means that I can't do that as well for myself.  It was wonderful to hear that feedback and have my uncertain vision lightened by her words.

Prayer - Lord, thank you for a season that gives me an opportunity to wait.  Help me to open my heart to Your call, learning to trust in Your plan.
"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you - oracle of the Lord - plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope."  ~Jeremiah 29:11

First Sunday of Advent - 2014

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaiah - recognition of God's wrath with the sinful people
Psalm 80 - Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.
Epistle - 1 Corinthians - God's grace and faithfulness
Gospel - "Be watchful! Be alert!" We do not know when the master will return.

Let the chaos ensue! Now that Advent has begun, it's like there is a giant stopwatch ticking down the days until Christmas. Unfortunately, instead of helping us prepare our spirits for the season, it tends to remind us of how many shopping days we have, and our limited time to do everything we think we must do perfectly before we can celebrate. I'm not saying that we don't have legitimate things to accomplish, but Christmas is about more than giving a certain quota of gifts. In my experience, if I take my eyes off of the purpose of Advent, I can become stressed, distracted, and worn out.  

In today's Gospel, we are commanded to pay attention, "Be watchful! Be alert! Watch!" This is a great time to re-focus, stop and take some quiet time to reconnect with our Lord. Trust me - this is a good thing to do!  

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Advent 2014

Wow - it's already time for Advent. I was proud that I had my Advent wreath out right after Thanksgiving. But what does that Advent wreath mean? It sits in the middle of my table for roughly 4 weeks. Why? Thanksgiving seems to be the final speed bump before Christmas can explode everywhere - sales, decorations, lights, trees, music, and more. Sometimes those things start even before Thanksgiving, and I can be just as guilty as anyone. So, what about Advent? It is a time of preparation, yes, but not solely for the purpose of finding the perfect gifts or displaying our picturesque decorations.

Intentional Living

A recent post (read it) mentioned intentional living.  The term came from some Matthew Kelly materials I'd been reading/listening to (Check out some of my recommendations here).  Many of the talks I'd heard referred to 'intentionality' or moving forward with purpose.  I think most of his books refer to this idea in some form.  It's a focus that I've been trying to incorporate in my life, but not always successfully.

In a very broad sense, intentional living means I am discerning God's Will and doing my best to move forward.  In a more practical sense, I am prudent in my choices, and moving forward with a plan, rather than waiting for life to happen to me.  What surprises me is how much this sounds like entrepreneurship or corporate America.  Isn't the 'American Dream' going after what you want?  Maybe so, but the very BIG difference is that intentional living is not about personal gain, but rather spiritual gain.  I suppose these paths are not mutually exclusive, but don't confuse the differences.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Thanksgiving 2014

Lord, on this day of gratitude I lift my prayer:

~May I never take for granted the gift of life.  Help me to always honor this gift by living according to Your Will.

~May I always appreciate the love of family and friends.  Teach me to open my home and heart to all.

~May I not forget how precious each of God's creatures are.  Show me how to love others as You love.

~May I live each day as though it was my last, not fearful or filled with regret.  Remind me that You have a plan.

~May I sing for joy, this day and every day, as I open my eyes to the richness of life.  Fill me with Your grace .

~May I journey forward, confident in You.  Guide my path so I may live eternally with You.

"Give thanks to the Lord, who is good, whose love endures forever;" ~1 Chronicles 16:34

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Ezekiel
Psalm 23 - the Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Epistle - 1 Corinthians - Christ is the firstfruits
Gospel - Matthew 25 - "Whatever you did for the least brothers of mine, you did for me."

What a great day to be Catholic! Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year (yikes!) which means we celebrate Jesus as King of the Universe. There is so much that can be said of today's liturgy and Scripture, but I want to focus on the connection I made with a book I'm reading: Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Fr. James Martin. I have this as both an e-book and an audio book, so I can read or listen whenever I had time. Today I started on Chapter 21 - Golgotha. It was interesting to read about Jesus' Passion and Death (resurrection was in the next chapter) on the day we celebrate Jesus as King of the Universe. I felt that the timing of this was not coincidental. Hearing the details of the Crucifixion seemed especially striking, considering the Feast for today.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22 - Feast of St. Cecilia

Happy Feast Day to me!  Today is the feast of St. Cecilia, patron saint of musicians.  For obvious reasons, I also chose Cecilia as my confirmation name, so I have even more to celebrate.  I love that we have patron saints.  Why?  Well, just like I rely on experts in various areas (spiritual direction, health, learning, etc.), the saints fulfill the same role, with a spiritual focus.  Just the other day, I had an opportunity to invoke St. Anthony for help in finding something that was lost.  We had searched everywhere, and it was imperative that we find it back.  What was lost has since been found - thank you St. Anthony!  Again, similar to my health coach or tax consultant, I can petition the saints for direction, help, and clarity.  And, as I've discovered, I am much more likely to stay on track with guidance from the experts!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/20/14 - Give Thanks part 2

Yesterday was a full day, but, as I anticipated, it went smoothly.  I credit that to my focus.  By looking to God's plan, and not mine, I kept things in perspective.  Yes, it was a long day, and I struggled at various points, but, I believe that because of my focus, my day was better.  Matthew Kelly refers to the goal of being intentional; what are you going to do, and how are you going to do it, and then you get up and do it!

By naming my priority for the day, I was intentional about my actions.  Much like one can choose his/her attitude, I chose my focus.  I wanted to be glad in my Maker, and sing for joy (see post here).  No, I did not break out into song during the meetings, although I was given permission to do so during one meeting!  I'm not saying that every day I'm going to keep this up or have my focus on that priority.  I will, however, continue to strive for that attitude on a regular basis.

I want to sing for joy.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/20/14 - Give Thanks

Today will be a full day.  I know, what days aren't?  I don't want to call it busy, because that word has become synonymous with harried, frantic, and other slightly negative terms.  I prefer the word full, because I intend to be mindful throughout my day.  My activities are deliberate, even if there
are many that will happen today.  I wish to be present for every part of the day.  That is my goal.  From board meetings to council meetings and everything in between, I am thankful.

The verses of today's responsorial psalm reaffirm my goals:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God's response

God has a sense of humor, for sure.

I had an 'animated' conversation with God last night.  I was frustrated and tired, and asked God to make my next step apparent.  The particular situation in question was beyond my control, and needed Divine Intervention, either in the form of a change of the situation or a change in my desires.

I went to sleep, and when I got up the next morning, I remembered my plea.  I pondered what might develop, and then proceeded to prepare for the day.  In the mornings, my routine doesn't vary much, other than how much time I procrastinate :)  The part that does change is my audio environment.  Most mornings I get ready in outward silence, because I have so many thoughts and ideas going through my head, I don't miss the external noise.  There are times, however, when I will crank up a playlist or audio book or listen to my morning prayers.  Today, I was drawn to a playlist.  I have lots of options, to fit lots of moods.  One of my favorites is my 'Inspirational' list, and that one gets a lot of play.  I hit play on my tablet and started brushing my teeth.

The song that started playing - I did not select a particular song, just the playlist, remember - was While I'm Waiting by John Waller.  Wham!  All I could do was smile and chuckle.  "Okay God, I hear You!"  It's an amazing song, and worth checking out.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/13/14 - Emmalyn

I'm posting this early, because I wanted to share a connection that has been instrumental in my life.  Today I learned that my very first piano teacher died.  Emmalyn was a dear soul.  I don't remember a lot of details from my first piano lessons with her, but there are a few things that stick out.

Her house had a beautiful sun room, and I loved to peek in after my lesson was
finished.  I sometimes got to wait in there for my mom to pick me up.  I remember working in my very first piano books that had the funny songs and drawings to help me learn my lessons.  She always had a sweet treat for after the lesson, but it wasn't a bribe or reward for doing well; she simply had the gift of hospitality.  I liked her, even as a young child.  I've had teachers who intimidated me, but Emmalyn was a welcoming presence.  She loved music and teaching, which was evident.

I don't recall when I stopped taking lessons from her, but living in a small town meant our lives intersected many more times.  Over the course of my grade school, high school, and college years I took some more music lessons, but none of my teachers had a cool sun room or cookies after lessons :)  My technique improved, and my love of music grew.  Over the years I played for many, many church services, school Masses, and even, on occasion, just for fun.  I dabbled in teaching my own students, minus a cool sun room, and truly enjoyed helping students grow and learn.

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Bascilica in Rome 

Sunday was a great day for memories.  As we celebrated the Feast of the Bascilica in Rome - St. John in Lateran, I was reminded of my first pilgrimage.  It's hard to believe it's been 7 years since we went to Rome.  St. John's was incredible; huge and glorious.  What an experience!

There is so much more to this church, but I am not the best teacher.  Time has dimmed some of my details.  What I do know is that our Catholic faith has a beautiful history, as well as a wonderful same-ness no matter where you are.  It is that connection that unites us, both near and far.  Ultimately, with the celebration of such a glorious place, my heart is happy.  I'm happy to have had the opportunity to go there.  I'm happy that we have such a rich heritage in our faith.  I'm happy that we have a universal church that is diverse and similar, near and far, many and one.  I'm proud to claim a connection to this place via my Catholic faith.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Thankful Thursday 11/6/14

Today I am thankful for forgiveness.  This is really a daily thanks, if I'm willing to admit I when I am wrong!  I recently took my stress and frustration out on a friend, and shortly after the moment, I realized my error.  I wanted to justify my position and words.  I was tired, I am behind on project A, I have thing B looming over me, I am allowed to be grouchy once in a while!  The reality was, no, there is never an excuse for being unkind.  So shortly after our interaction, I knew I had to apologize and seek forgiveness.

Thankfully the circle from me messing up, realizing my mistake, and seeking forgiveness is getting smaller.  So either I'm recognizing my error and resolving it more quickly, or I'm getting more practice because I do it too much.  Hmmm.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

A new adventure

Good morning! Welcome to a new day! What do you have planned for your adventure today?

Recently, I've been pondering the 'everyday' mentality. All too often, it seems as though I spend more time in anticipation of something rather than in participating in the 'right-now'.  Why can't today be an adventure of its own? Maybe it's not grand or spectacular, but it has just as much potential to be amazing and noteworthy.  Each day brings with it many opportunities.

Which opportunity will you seize today?

"From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the Lord be praised."  ~Psalm 113:3

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/30/14 - life

So many things for which to be thankful.  I'm a little late on this post, so I'm going to encompass more than just my Thursday thanks.  This time of year has several meaningful moments.  The beauty of the leaves (even if I have to rake them up), the crisp air, and the bountiful harvest.  It is also the anniversary of buying my house - something that still surprises me.  Home ownership is an adventure of its own!  The opportunity to honor those who have died.  We have the Feast of All Saints (Nov 1) and All Souls (Nov 2).  There are so many people who have influenced my life and are now with God.  Minnie died on November 1, 2003.  She was a delightful lady who graciously agreed to be my adopted grandma.  My grandparents were all gone, and every Grandparents Day in grade school, I didn't have anyone to invite.  Minnie's grandchildren lived farther away, so it was a mutually beneficial arrangement.  I loved having her in my life and I know she still looks out for me.  Our relationship is the only real Grandparent relationship I knew.  What a blessing.

Death is difficult.  Loss is hard.  There are no words to fix things, or gifts to repair broken hearts.  I like to think that some healing occurs when we consciously remember our loved ones.  They are not lost to us forever.  Our relationship may have changed in the physical sense, but our connection remains.  I am very thankful that we have a day specially for our beloved dead, but I know that for most of us who have grieved, our memories are not limited to one day.  So I am even more thankful for life; for the opportunity to have lived and loved those souls who are no longer physically among us, as well as the comfort of knowing they are only a prayer away.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/23/14 - Fog

We recently had a few mornings with a beautiful fog blanketing the world.  Fog intrigues me; I think it appeals to my introverted nature - the appearance of utter stillness.  My soul resonates with the opportunity to feel as if I am one with the earth.  Perhaps it is also the seeming peacefulness that appeals to me.  Who doesn't want peace or a time to just be?  In our busy world, still is a rarity and calm is a four-letter word (pun intended).

Yet what strikes me the most about fog is how much fog is like change.  Think of it this way:  fog hides things from us, we cannot see the road ahead.  The future is obscured and the past is gone.  We can only function in the present, right where we are.  Now think of this in terms of change.  Sounds pretty similar to me.

Interestingly enough, I love fog, but I oftentimes dislike change.  Why is that?  Maybe I don't have a preconceived bias towards fog like I do change.  Bear with me.  Change generally gets a bad rap.  It's not usually easy, and even if it's for our own good, we tend to fight it.  It's easier to stay where we are, with what's comfortable, easy, and familiar.  I can't do that with fog.  It's not going to go away just because I want to see what's coming.  Maybe it's a control issue; I can't control the weather, but I "think" I can control change in my life.  Sometimes, yes.  More often, no.  So, when it comes to a foggy day, I embrace what is and appreciate the moment.  Sounds like a good suggestion to follow when facing changes.  There are going to be many more foggy days, both physical and metaphorical, and maybe, if I try to embrace what is, I can appreciate the journey as well.      

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/16/14

Its been a good week.  Nothing monumental, which is fine by me.  So often I get caught up in the next big thing that I can miss the simple joys in front of me.  So today I am thankful for the beauty of the rising sun, the gorgeous fall colors as the leaves turn, and the glory of a sunset.  I am thankful for the wind, beautiful weather, and moments to appreciated them.  I am thankful for time to be still and time to be busy.  I am thankful for good music, tasty food, and a job (or two) to do.  I am thankful for technology and for time to shut off technology.  I am thankful for good health, sore muscles, and the ability to move freely. I am thankful for family and friend, both near and far. I am most especially thankful to God for giving me life, gifting me with faith, and desiring a relationship with me that is beyond compare.

For these and all my gifts, I am truly thankful.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Thankful Thursday . . . ish

Be careful what you pray for.  You just might get it!

Nothing dramatic here, but a day that was not how I would have planned.  I had purchased a new refrigerator, after some procrastinating, saving money, praying that my old one would hang on, and a few minor repairs.  Finally, it was time.  I'm surprised my neighbors didn't complain about the noise coming from my kitchen when my tired fridge kicked on, sounding like a revved up motorcycle!  Money exchanged hands (or at least bank accounts), and I was the theoretical owner of a new fridge.  The problem was, once it arrived at the store, how was I going to get it home?  Some more procrastinating, asking around, and a few worries later, problem solved.  Seemed like the hard part was over.


See, once the fridge made it to my driveway, several more issues came into play; things I never considered during my purchase process.  There were pieces of wood bolted to the bottom of the fridge, for packing purposes, I presume, but they could only be removed with a socket set.  I don't own one of those.  Thank goodness for neighbors!  Then, when we were unplugging my old fridge and disconnecting the water line, I remembered what my brother-in-law told me over the summer, that when I got my new fridge, I would have to cap the water line if I wasn't going to use the ice-maker.  Working for a restoration company, I'm not too enamored of ice makers, so my train of thought was, well I'm not using the ice maker = the water line isn't a problem.  At least that was my thought until it was time to shut the water off to the whole house because I didn't have a plan for that water line.


Sunday, October 05, 2014

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - reconciliation

Quick recap:
1st Reading - More vineyard stories :)
Psalm 80 - The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel
Epistle - Phil 4 - motivational letter from Paul
Gospel -Matthew 21 - A landowner leased out his vineyard before leaving on a journey, and the tenants killed his servants and then his son when they came to collect the produce.

In the first reading, we hear God's frustration. His chosen people have turned away, repeatedly. In the Gospel, Jesus highlights the continued behavior of the Jews, who ultimately kill the Son of God. This sets the backdrop for the psalm. In the psalm, we hear God's response to the Old Testament, and we add our plea that God protect this vineyard - us! This is nothing new to God - how many times had Israel sinned and repented? Not to mention us and our current society. Over and over, we beg God for mercy. We must have contrite hearts before God, and belief that our prayers will be heard. 

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Angels

Today is the Memorial of the Guardian Angels.  I am so very thankful for angels, especially my guardian angel.  One of my favorite prayers:
Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side
To light, to guard, to rule and guide.
I can remember sitting on the steps, saying this prayer, before racing up to bed.  This is still my bedtime prayer of choice, and it gives me comfort to know I'm not alone.  My guardian angel has interceded for me many times, and has protected me many more.  Her vehicle of choice is a dark pickup (if you want to know more, just ask).  Most of all, she seeks to bring my soul to Heaven.  I am in total agreement with that goal, so I think we make a good team.  


I have always loved the image of the Guardian Angel watching over the children.  At all times, help is near, whether we acknowledge it or not.  God loves each of us so much, that we are gifted with an angel to help us.  What a beautiful gift!

Prayer - Lord, thank you for the gift of my guardian angel.  Help me to follow their lead so that I may always keep You in the center of my life.  Thank you for the protection of my angel.  May I be open to their guidance and nudging, so that one day they may escort my soul to You.  

Sunday, September 28, 2014

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - mercy

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Ezekial - turn from wickedness to what is right and just
Psalm 25 - Remember your mercies, O Lord.
Epistle - Philippians 2 - regard others as more important than yourself (humility)
Gospel - Matthew 21 - Will you change your mind and embrace God's mercy, or will you be stubborn?

Today's Gospel outlines the story of a man and his 2 sons. He asks them both to go work in the vineyard. The fist son says no, but then changes his mind and goes out. The second son says yes, but did not go. Thus, on the surface, the second son appears to be more obedient, while in reality, the first son is the one who actually obeyed his father.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thankful Thursday 9/25/14 - struggles

Thursday was not my finest day.  I wasn't feeling 100% and I struggled with tasks.  My arms were still vibrating from my hedge-trimming escapade the night before.  I felt blah and run-down.  I wasn't living Murphy's law, but it was a challenge.  Every so often, I would stop and wonder, 'What is my problem?'  Then, I would look at the beautiful rose on my desk, and that was enough.  Enough to help me let go of my frustration, tiredness, and stress.  This cycle repeated many, many times during the day, as I would naturally slide back into the negatives.  At one point I smiled and asked God if the rose was God's nudge so I could appreciate life.  Life, which, on that day, included a lot of imperfections and acceptance of me as I was.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Generosity 

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaish - God's ways are not our ways.
Psalm 145 - The Lord is near to all who call upon him.
Epistle - Philippians - life is Christ and death is gain.
Gospel - parable of the landowner who hires laborers for his vineyard and pays them all the same wage, regardless of how long they worked.

This Sunday's parable challenges me. I am called to apply this in all areas of my life, and I generally fall short. It's a great story of the landowner who goes out several times during the day to find workers for his vineyard. Each time he goes out, he hires more laborers. At the end of the day, he pays them all the same wage. Those who worked all day grumbled. The landowner asks if they are envious of his generosity. He reminds them that they agreed to work for the wage they received, and that he can do what he wants with his money.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thankful Thursday 9/18/14 - The Farm

This week has been full of good things.  Friday is the 6 yr anniversary of my parents move off of the  farm.  It is bittersweet; I miss the open space and the inherent simplicity, but I am also thankful for the change.  I appreciate that my parents are closer now and it is feasible to visit more often.  They have more support with one of my siblings living in the same town, which is a comfort as well.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thankful Thursday 9/11/14 - never forget

This post is overdue, I know.  There are so many things for which to be thankful, but 9/11 reminds me of the value of life.  I need to live each day completely, as I may not be here tomorrow.  I also need to live each day ready to die.  That means my soul needs to be prepared, and my actions should reflect the state of my soul.  I'm not trying to be dramatic or induce a panic.  The reality is we don't know when we will die.  Sure, we have life-expectancies, and many of us will meet or exceed them.  However, there are accidents, and misfortunes, and evil that is a part of our world as well.

We probably all know the story of someone who was in the towers, or was supposed to be in the towers.  Life is fleeting.  9/11 makes me want to simultaneously collect all of my friends and family and hug them like I'll never see them again, and go out and live life fully, pushing the boundaries of what I thought I could do.  Confusing?  Yep.  The emotional response to such a tragic event is both the need to hold on to what we have, sometimes too tightly, and to throw caution to the wind.  I think of it as a see-saw, trying to balance what we think we can control and also doing something that takes away our control.  Like stock-piling food to prepare for the worst and then going sky-diving to feel really alive.

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Quick recap:
1st Reading - The people of Israel were saved when the looked at the bronze serpent mounted on a pole.
Psalm 78 - Do not forget the works of the Lord!
Epistle - Phil 2 - Jesus emptied himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross
Gospel - John 3 - Salvation through Jesus because of God's love for us.

This is an exciting day - this feast day falls on a Sunday! Great! So, what's the big deal? Well, there's a lot of interesting things to keep in mind. I'm not a scholar, but here's what I've picked up:

1 - Historically, September 14, 320 is the date when the empress Helena (Constantine's mother) reportedly found the true cross (Living Liturgy 2014). That's exciting stuff.

2 - While Good Friday is the more well-known feast of the cross, both days can and should remind us of the life-giving qualities of the cross.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - integrity 

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Ezekiel - we must avoid sin and lead others away from sin
Psalm 95 - If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
Epistle - Romans 13 - "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Gospel - Matthew 18 - our responsibility is to love others and to help them

With everything that has been going on this past week, I didn't get my usual preparation time, so today I'm going to borrow from the homilies I heard.  Two words stuck out in our teaching - integrity and authenticity.  We are called to be true to ourselves at all times, no matter where we are or with whom.

in·teg·ri·ty   inˈtegritÄ“/   noun
1.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. "he is known to be a man of integrity"
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics,morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness,scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
"I never doubted his integrity"
2.the state of being whole and undivided. "upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty"
synonyms: unity, unification, coherence, cohesion, togetherness, solidarity
"the integrity of the federation"

au·then·tic     Ã´ËˆTHentik/    adjective
1.of undisputed origin; genuine.  "the letter is now accepted as an authentic document"
synonyms: genuine, real, bona fide, true, veritable; More

Don't worry . . .

Don't worry . . . Be happy?

It's not about the song. It's some advice I gave a friend who was having a rough day. It's the kind of advice that will come back to bite me in the butt. Not that long ago I wrote about the problem with giving advice to someone. In my experience, if I give someone advice, I will have the opportunity to take my own advice in the very near future.  So, in the conversation with my friend, I knew that God was preparing me for a situation in which that is the advice I will need to hear. I am NOT looking forward to this.
Dependence on God. 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? 27 Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?  Matthew 6:25-27

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Psalm 63

Today's psalm was taken from Psalm 63, and I had the opportunity to witness this psalm in action:

Responsorial Psalm PS 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9

R/ (2b) My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.
O God, you are my God whom I seek;
for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts
like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water.
R/ My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.
Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary
to see your power and your glory,
For your kindness is a greater good than life;
my lips shall glorify you.
R/ My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.
Thus will I bless you while I live;
lifting up my hands, I will call upon your name.
As with the riches of a banquet shall my soul be satisfied,
and with exultant lips my mouth shall praise you. 
R/ My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.
You are my help,
and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy.
My soul clings fast to you;
your right hand upholds me.
R/ My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.

This psalm is lovely, but I think sometimes we don't take it literally enough. For example, we've all been thirsty, but probably not to the extent where it was physically uncomfortable or it made us single-minded in our focus. Water, juice, pop, sports drinks, and more are quite readily available. Do we know what thirst really is? When I was practicing, I thought about the words more intently. A parched, lifeless earth - has my soul longed for God with such intensity?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Memorial of St. Augustine

August 28 - Memorial of St. Augustine

St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church has many incredible writings and commentaries. I am only just beginning to delve into a small piece of his work; I know I have much to learn. What I do know is something that came up in a recent study of the document "Sing to the Lord:  Music in Divine Worship."
'As St. Augustine says, "Singing is for the one who loves."

Thankful Thursday 8/28/14

Today I want to express gratitude for things that sometimes don't appear as gifts. For example, mowing is not my favorite activity, yet I am very thankful that 1) I have house with a front and back yard, 2) I have the physical ability to mow, 3) the sense of accomplishment seeing a freshly mowed lawn, 4) the time to appreciate nature, including flowers, grass, and weeds - God made them all!  So, while mowing may not be my preferred pastime, it blesses me in many ways.