Thursday, February 17, 2011

Using our gifts in "the now"

I was listening to my sister share some highlights from the 2011: A book of grace-filled days, and one of them went like this: Mathew 5:13 - You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. The reflection was: Living in "the now" means pouring out our gifts for one another today, because tomorrow they may have lost their effectiveness, and next week they may be gone.

When she first read this, I was surprised. I right away stated that I didn't like this particular reflection. She asked why. I said that I didn't like the idea of losing my gifts overnight. I was thinking of how I would feel if tomorrow I woke up and couldn't play the piano. But as we talked, I was able to consider another viewpoint (and probably the real intention of the reflection) as a reminder to use our gifts instead of 'saving' them. I think of the good china that stays in the cupboard so it doesn't get broken, or the beautiful sweater that doesn't get worn so it will never be dirty or stained. But what purpose do those things have if they are not used? Similarly, what purpose does our talent serve if we hide it, or deny it, or ignore it? This reflection reminds us that just as God gives us sufficient grace for the moment, our talents are also intended to be used for this moment. We do not know what tomorrow brings, but we can trust that it will bring its own needs, talents, and challenges. Don't waste an opportunity to do what you were created for, using the gifts you were given to serve God in 'the now'.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Salt of the Earth

Today's Gospel was from Matthew 5:13-16. Fr.'s homily focused on being the salt of society. Salt was valued in the Gospel as both a preservative and for its flavor. Today we are called to "salt" society. This means we are to preserve God's values and flavor those around us. And this message is not a secret limited to one creed, race or nation. We are called to be the light of the world and to let our light shine before all. How can you preserve those around you and add flavor to those you meet?