I recommend . . .

Updated 06/24/2021

These are sites/books/resources that have been helpful to me.  Some were needed for a time, some continue to be important in my formation and learning.  It can be intimidating to look at this list and think - what does she know? or I'll never get through these! or I'm not smart enough or I don't have enough time, yada, yada, yada.  This list is a work-in-progress, so check out one-thing that looks interesting, and go from there.  Baby steps!

  • Bible in a Year Podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz - PHENOMENAL!!!
  • Vatican website
  • USCCB - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website
  • Live Adoration site
  • FOCUS - Fellowship of Catholic University Students site 
  • EWTN site
  • Fr. Ron Rolheiser blog
  • Fr. Z's blog
  • The Catholic Gentleman blog (also on Facebook)
  • The West Nebraksa Register - Grand Island Diocese Newspaper
  • The Catholic Voice - Omaha Archdiocese Newspaper
  • Spirit Catholic Radio site
  • Busted Halo site  
  • Lighthouse Catholic Media website - also available at many parishes in CD format, mp3, or as an app for Apple or Android devices
  • Formed.org website - see if your church offers a subscription, or get one for your family!
  • Scott Hahn website
  • St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology website
  • Dynamic Catholic website - Matthew Kelly's programs, books, audio, and much more!
    • Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
    • Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic
    • Our Lives Change When Our Habits Change
    • Rediscovering Catholicism
    • Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality
    • Resisting Happiness 
Books - Non-Fiction:
  • The Spiritual Combat by Fr. Dom Lorenzo Scupoli - get the eBook here (FREE) or purchase from Amazon
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church book or ebook edition Catechism of the Catholic Church at Amazon
  • Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly (see link above)
  • Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism by Scott and Kimberly Hahn - story of their conversions to Catholicism
  • Divine Renovation by Fr. James Mallon - an excellent book about how to move from "Maintenance to Mission" in your church!
  • C.S. Lewis - I am not able to say I've read all of his works, but the ones I have are excellent. 
  • Kendra Tierney - Catholic blogger at CatholicAllYear.com and author of  Catholic All Year Compendium.  It is possible to live liturgically in our daily life! 
  • The Creed by Scott Hahn -  such good information.
  • Forming Intentional Disciples - this is an incredible resource. 
  • Be Healed - life-changing!!!  Highly recommend.
  • This is My Body, This is My Blood by Bob and Penny Lord - also on my to-read list.

Books - Fiction:
  • Screwtape letters by C.S. Lewis - a must read
  • Dee Henderson - The O'Malley series is great!
  • Karen Kingsbury
  • Richard Paul Evans
  • Stephanie Grace Whitson
  • Check out various book reviews I have done at needread.blogspot.com 

  • Divine Office - Liturgy of the Hours - available for Apple and Android devices here.  Most days have audio as well, so you can 'join' in prayer, even on your own!
  • Laudate - Lots of great resources, and it's FREE!  Android or Apple.
  • Magnificat - See also daily scripture section
  • Jesus Calling App - ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!!!  This app is really having an impact on me and my prayer life.  I have always enjoyed the book, which I own in both book and electronic format, but even with those options, I wasn't able to get a routine in place.  With the app, I get a daily reminder (optional), plus it goes right to the current day's reflection, it provides the full content of the bible verse (instead of just the Book, Chapter, Verse), and you can also search by topic if you need a specific boost.  Cost was reasonable, and well worth the money for me!

Daily Scripture:
  • Magnificat website - excellent guide with Liturgy of the Hours and Mass readings for every day of the year.  Includes daily meditations and saint stories.  Also has an app for Apple and Android.  Subscription - well worth it!  I just have digital access.
  • The Word Among Us.  Subscription.
  • Our Daily Bread.  Subscription.

Bible Study resources:
  • Living Liturgy
  • Breaking Open the Lectionary

  • Fireproof
  • Courageous
  • Facing the Giants

Music - Sooooo many groups and songs, so this is just a smidge of the good stuff out there:
  • Help is on the way (After Midnight) - TobyMac
  • The Blessing - Elevation Worship - such a great song!!!
  • The God Who Stays - Matthew West
  • Tenth Avenue North - especially Hold My Heart and Worn
  • Casting Crowns - especially If We Are the Body
  • Sarah Hart - my current favorite is her Saint Song CD
  • Matt Maher - my current favorite is the Saints and Sinners CD and the song Adoration, closely followed by Firelight (which is about Mother Teresa) - excellent song!
  • Tom Booth - especially Sacred Silence
  • Curtis Stephan
  • Newsboys
  • Stephan Curtis Chapman
  • While I'm Waiting
  • For Such a Time As This
  • Eye of the Storm - Ryan Stevenson
  • Hello, My Name Is - Matthew West
  • Even If - MercyMe
  • Here's My Heart Lord

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