Thursday, February 09, 2012

Even the everyday stuff counts . . . .

Bible study tonight, and I'm thinking, I'm too busy. I know, I know, but I still thought it. So, we're studying Sunday's readings, and the first reading is about leprosy in the Old Testament, how anyone had to live apart if they had leprosy. The psalm went, "I turn to you, O Lord, in time of trouble and you fill me with the joy of salvation." (No, there is not an equation of sin = sickness) Second reading talked about not alienating others, and being open. Gospel was Jesus touching and curing a leper (hint - touching the leper was a big no-no).

The reflection was about how we are drawn to Jesus because he loves us no matter how 'diseased' we are. We are reminded to be welcoming to all, and to consider who are the outcasts in our lives. It can be emotional, physical, or mental separation. We are to embrace them as Jesus would.

So, it's my turn to read, and I'm still disconnected from the moment (aka - 'self-alienated' perhaps??) and this is what I get to read: "When we are sick and in pain, when we are experiencing alienation or loneliness, when we are overwhelmed with everyday challenges, we tend to seek the presence and help of another who understands what we are going through. At other times we are the one whom hurting people seek. Sometimes we need Jesus to touch and heal us. Sometimes we are this Jesus who touches and heals others." (Living Liturgy 2012 - emphasis mine)

Wow - that made me take notice.  Everyday challenges can be alienation, too.  Like feeling too busy for bible study?  Guess that was my neon sign for the day!

God, You knew me before I was born, and You hold my life, my talents, my struggles, my joys, my pain in your strong embrace.  Help me to turn to Jesus when I forget this, and help me to be like Jesus when others forget You.  ~Amen.