Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday Readings September 10, 2006

I write to reflect on the homily and readings from this weekend, as well as other influences from my life that play into my understanding of God’s Word.

Deafness. Can you imagine a condition like that? Many people cannot sit quietly in silence for 10 minutes, let alone a lifetime. How would you react? For me, that would mean a life without music, or at least the music of others. I would only have the music from within, for which there would be no sharing. To be melodramatic, this could be considered ‘a fate worse than death’! But yet, how simple would such a life be? No sound pollution, no noise clouding one’s thoughts, nothing to disturb the peace of one’s mind. But wait, if there is no interruption to the mind, there is no stopping it either. That means that thoughts can replay over and over without distraction. How comfortable would we be to continually face our thoughts without benefit of interruption? Most people are not comfortable in their own minds, and thus look to outside ‘noises’ for comfort, distraction, and a removal from reality. From video games, to television, to gossip, to any type of mindless ‘pollution’ that comes through our ears – we seek escape. But a deaf person cannot escape through those measures. Instead s/he must learn to deal with the mind without avoiding it through noisy disturbances. Perhaps we can learn stop escaping through the distracting ‘sounds’ in our lives.

Lord, help me to become deaf to the distractions in my life that pull me away from Your Will.

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