Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Importance of Self

I am important.  It is okay to remind ourselves of that occasionally.  I don't recommend reciting it as a mantra or conversation starter, lest you overestimate your self-worth and bruise your pride.  But it is a pertinent reminder, especially timely when life gets messy.  And I don't know about you, but life seems to do that a lot.  Be messy. Complicated.  Crazy.  Also known as life.  Some days, it would be so much easier to turn off the cell phone, close out the world, and pretend that you are in control.  And as a temporary refuge, it works.  But that may be the best time to remember your importance.  Because, not only does your hiatus affect your view of the world (oftentimes jaded as seen from a distance), it also affects those around you.  Not sure why, but I seem to find it easier to do things for other people than for myself.  So, it is better for me to recognize the negative impact my actions have towards others, because I am more likely to rectify the situation.  So before barricading the door and turning up the music, stop to think - who am I shutting out?  And on any other day, would I want to do that?  If, as I suspect, the answer is no, take a few minutes and remind yourself - I am important.  Important enough to matter to someone else.  That makes it a good day, in my book.  So, if for no other reason, make a choice to participate in life today on whatever level you can, knowing that you play a significant role in someone's life, whether you realize it or not.  And don't forget to thank the people in your life for giving you those reasons to stay connected.  It is one more reminder that we are not meant to exclude others from our lives.      

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