Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wearing hats

I like to wear hats. I enjoy the additional accessory, the uniqueness, and it's one of my 'things'. My fellow Rotarians know me best as wearing a hat. Just this past weekend, I received the 'un-official' title of "lady in the hat"! But it got me to thinking about a few things.

First - I was touched that others notice my hats. I guess it could be my introverted way of saying 'I'm here - notice me'. Second - I tend to wear hats when at Rotary functions so that I am easily recognizable.

Simple observations, but I think there's more I can learn. Who around me wears 'hats' that I fail to notice? Which 'hats' do I applaud and why? Which 'hats' do I ignore, and why? By wearing hats consistently, am I expressing myself or living up to another's expectations of me?

I've tried to become more conscious of blessings in my life, and I've made a specific effort to appreciate the people in my life. And, since I know how I feel when someone notices my 'hats', why can't I do that for others? The hats could be talents, a kindness, a smile, or anything. If I would just make the time to recognize those around me and their own 'hats', I could pass it on. Sometimes it's hard to see, and sometimes I don't want to see.

I will try harder to be aware of the many 'hats' around me. They can be much more than just the item I place on my head. They can remind me of each person's unique gifts and talents. Hopefully I can be more open to this knowledge.

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