Saturday, August 03, 2013


I've been neglecting my journal, so I wanted to share an event from my week.  I had a yucky day - wasn't feeling great, lots to do, not enough time, stress, etc. etc. etc.  We've all been there.  Usually, when I'm at that point, I tend to shut down.  I'll either withdraw or get really grumpy.  But this time was different.  I recognized that I was struggling in a big way, and I asked God to get me through the next thing.  It could have been the next meeting or the next 5 minutes or the next to-do on my list, but I knew I couldn't do it alone.  This was how I spent most of my day.

The next day I felt better, had more energy, got things accomplished and made a dent in the to-do list.  But even with those accomplishments, I realized that my 'yucky' day was the better of the two.  Why?  Because it was God-focused.  When I struggle, I turn to God, but when things are 'fine', I tell God that I've got things covered!  Yikes - that's pretty self-involved.  Something to work on.

My prayer - God, you know my limits and my weaknesses.  Help me to see them as opportunities for You to shine through me.  Help me get out of my own way and trust You.

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