Sunday, January 12, 2014


No - I'm not preparing for my role as a pirate.  It's been a week of frustration, challenges, emotions, and pure craziness.  Everyone is busy and there is always a lot going on, but this week took that to the extreme.  Some of the chaos included my parents health issues (they are both okay), water pipes breaking all over the area (lots to do at work), deadline to write my talk for an upcoming retreat, plus all the usual things that have to be done - clean clothes, meals, groceries, dishes, open the mail.  I am assuming that the bills I receive are not just suggestions - people would like me to pay them, right?  Then you add in my regular scheduled stuff - women's group (I was tempted to skip), book study group (I was tempted to skip), bible study (I was late), and no wonder I'm tired!

But even with the challenges, it has been a good week.  I can say that now, looking back.  When I was in the middle of everything, it wasn't a pretty sight.  I don't know the truthfulness of the adage, 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks.'  I do know that I am still learning; at least I am when I admit what I don't know!  So here are some of the things I learned, or re-learned, this week.
-Be present to yourself.  Even if it's a solitary minute, take it and just be.  No thoughts of work or to-do lists or chores or obligations.
-Be present to God.  Hopefully you can spare more than a minute here.  Vent, complain, laugh, throw up your hands - God wants it all.  Tell God what's going on.  A lot of times I make God out to be a spectator in my life when I am struggling.  But stopping and telling God why I am frustrated pulls our relationship into reality.
-Take a deep breath.  And than another.  There is a purpose to this struggle.  We can become better people because of it.  Lean on God's strength.  Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
-Pick yourself up and start again.  Tomorrow's a new day.  I can start over.  Heck, I can start over this afternoon, or in the next hour, or even in the next minute.  Our God is a God of mercy and love.  We may fail, but it's not the end.
-Love.  All things can be done in love.  Maybe it will take a few tries to be able to show love for a grumpy co-worker or the person who cut you off in traffic when you were running late.  Keep trying.  Love is worth it.

Prayer - Lord, help me when I struggle.  I may not be able to see past my frustrations or fears.  Open my eyes to know that this is only a temporary state.

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