Friday, January 03, 2014

Thankful Thursday 1/2/14 - A New Year

Wow - 2014!  I had a little hiatus over Christmas as I got to celebrate Christ's coming in so many ways; the history of His birth in Bethlehem, Christ's presence in our daily lives, and our belief in His 2nd coming.  Good times.

But, as I'm working on getting back to my routine, I've pondered what my first Thankful post of 2014 should be.  Feeling the pressure, I (obviously) procrastinated until I couldn't put it off any more.  My sister asked me last week if we were making resolutions this year.  We've done this in the past, and I believe in goal setting and making a plan, and all that, but this year I just couldn't get in a resolution mindset.  But then I remembered something one of the trainers at the gym posted.  She said that you didn't have to wait for a new year to make a change.  You could make a change with a new day, or even in the next hour.  So with that thought, it became a little more obvious how I wanted to approach the 'resolutions' of 2014.

Ever since reading "Rediscovering Catholicism" by Matthew Kelly, I can't get his comments out of my mind.  He refers to our goal of becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be. That also happens to be synonymous with the goal of becoming a saint.  Since we are all called to be saints, if we truly become the best version of ourselves in God's eyes, we would be striving for sainthood.  So I've tried to adopt that mindset into my life.  How to become the best version of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  That has really become my daily goal/resolution, although I don't always move forward in my pursuits!  Oops.  But that's a topic for another time :-)  Right now, I am very thankful for the gift of God's grace which allows me to start again each day (and sometimes, each hour!).  May 2014 be full of blessings and joy and God's grace.

What is your resolution for 2014?  Or for tomorrow?  How are you going to make yourself a better person?
Prayer - Lord, You have blessed me beyond belief.  Help me to be mindful of Your graces in my life.  May I never cease in expressing my gratitude.



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