Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/16/14

Its been a good week.  Nothing monumental, which is fine by me.  So often I get caught up in the next big thing that I can miss the simple joys in front of me.  So today I am thankful for the beauty of the rising sun, the gorgeous fall colors as the leaves turn, and the glory of a sunset.  I am thankful for the wind, beautiful weather, and moments to appreciated them.  I am thankful for time to be still and time to be busy.  I am thankful for good music, tasty food, and a job (or two) to do.  I am thankful for technology and for time to shut off technology.  I am thankful for good health, sore muscles, and the ability to move freely. I am thankful for family and friend, both near and far. I am most especially thankful to God for giving me life, gifting me with faith, and desiring a relationship with me that is beyond compare.

For these and all my gifts, I am truly thankful.

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