Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Birthday

22.  We would be celebrating your 22nd birthday.  It's a bittersweet time.  The sadness is still there, some days more than others.  It's almost funny how you can randomly come to mind.  I guess that's one way to get me to say a prayer :)  Seeing any redheaded is guaranteed to remind me of you.  But there are other things.  Good drumming.  An irrepressible spirit.  Memories.  Yet, the part that continues to give me the most comfort can be found at Mass.  

There are 2 times when you especially come to mind:  during the Nicene Creed and during the Preface.  When we recite, ". . . and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead."  I think of you.  For that will be a time of rejoicing, when we are reunited.  And again, during the Preface, when the priest speaks of the choirs of angels joining with our song of "Holy".  Heaven and earth are united, and we are as close as we can be.  

You are always present to me, and I love you so dearly.  I thank God for the gift of your life and my small part in it.  Until we are on the same side of eternity, I will keep praying for you.  Please do the same for me.

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