Saturday, October 28, 2017

A New Normal - 200 Days

200 days.  An eternity or a moment?  I guess it comes down to perspective.
  • 66 days to create a habit 
  • 100 days into a pregnancy means your baby is the size of a grapefruit
  • 107 working days (on average) are required to pay your income tax each year (29% of income)
  • 120 days to train for a marathon
  • 200 days into a pregnancy means your baby is the size of an eggplant
  • 200 days is over 1/2 of a year, or 6.575 months, or 28.5 weeks, or 4800 hours
October 28 marks 200 days of my new normal.  It seems a moment AND an eternity.  I thought the 100 day mark (July 21) would feel momentous, or maybe sad. The reality was, it was just another day in my new normal,  a typical day.  Today feels a bit more . . . something. I haven't pinpointed my exact emotions as I think it will be better not to dissect it, but rather to simply live it.

Today is extra special because I was sent a note that my mom wrote, something she copied from one of her favorite inspirational writers, Helen Steiner Rice. Opening that card today, and seeing her handwriting made the sentiment even more impactful.

The Light of Faith 

No matter how small
The light of faith
To God it's like a flame
For if you can pray
You'll find there's a way, 
You need only whisper His name. 

No matter how small
Faith's candle burns, 
It's glow cannot deceive 
For the smallest of light
Will burn the most bright
When it's shining because you believe. 

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