Friday, October 27, 2017

And all the people said "Amen"

Fr. Harry Kurtenbach is now preaching in Heaven, but, boy, we are going to miss him here.
During my college years, I had the privilege of experiencing Mass with Fr. Harry, and I do mean experience. A quiet,  shy person, such as myself, was taken aback when,  during a homily,  Fr. Harry encouraged congregation participation by his trademark "Amen?" which demanded an answering (and enthusiastic ) "Amen" in response. And if the congregation "Amen" wasn't to Fr. Harry's standards, we had to try again.  People quickly realized that it was better for all involved if we immediately chanted a loud, resolute response the first time!  And thus, my world was impacted by Fr. Harry.  I was drawn in by his passion for and genuine love of Jesus Christ. I think it was the first time I connected heartfelt emotion with my faith.  Little did I know that this was just the beginning.
I am sad to have lost such a great man, but I can just imagine the chorus of wildly enthusiastic "Amen's" in eternity.  Now Fr. Harry is really 'preaching to the choir'!

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,  and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

And from now on, when I hear Matt Maher's song, I will smile and think of Fr. Harry.

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