Sunday, February 02, 2014

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Malachi - references of the temple, which is the focus of the Gospel
Psalm - 24 - Who is this king of glory?  It is the Lord!
Epistle - Hebrews - Jesus shared in our suffering, and we can turn to Him
Gospel - Luke - Presentation of Jesus in the temple

The 4th Joyful Mystery - The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.  Today, I was struck by the many ways we 'see' Jesus in the Scripture.  The Psalm response talks of a King of Glory, and the Gospel refers to a baby being brought to the temple, according to Jewish custom.  Hebrews refers to Jesus as one like us, who has experienced suffering.  To me, today was an opportunity to remember that Our King of Glory was once a child, and that the Holy Family followed the practice of presenting their child at the temple.  I am reminded that Our King of Glory has experienced suffering and pain, and does understand my pain.  I am humbled that Our King of Glory is present at the Eucharist and invites us to participate in this amazing gift.
Our songs reflected this mix of child, man, and Creator as well.  Age to Age  reflected the unending presence of God.  The Alpha and the Omega.  Child of the Poor reminds us that Jesus was born into humble surroundings.  God, We Praise You is the ultimate of traditional worship - we cannot add to God's greatness, but we must acclaim God with every breath.  Today, we experienced the Mystery that is our Trinity, and I cannot help but feel blessed.

Lord, thank you for revealing to us Your abiding presence.  May we always be open to Your call.

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