Saturday, February 01, 2014

More than I can handle

It's been a busy, crazy few weeks.  Lots going on, activities, emotions, health challenges, commitments, and life in general.  I had been trying to talk with a friend to vent my frustrations and we just couldn't get connected.  I figured God was giving me another opportunity to learn patience.  After we finally connected, we were swapping 'war stories', and she mentioned something she read about God giving us more than we can handle.

Wait.  What?!

God is a loving God.  This does not sound like the actions of a loving God.  As we delved into the conversation a little more, she explained.  It is more than we can handle if we try to handle it without God.

Wow.  I hadn't considered that way of looking at things.  I had subscribed to the thought process of 'God doesn't give me more than I can handle . . . I just wish He didn't trust me so much!'  This provided a new look at a common dilemma.

It also requires trust.  A lot of trust.  Enough trust that I can face incredible challenges and know that my problems are not bigger than my God.  How many times do I try to take on the world by myself?  God wants my complete self, exactly as I am.  God especially wants me to trust.  So even if it's hard, even if I occasionally push God away and try to take back the steering wheel, I must keep trying.  And the more I practice this, the more likely it is that I will be able to say, and mean, "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13.

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