Sunday, April 27, 2014

Divine Mercy Sunday

Today is such a great day, one post couldn't contain it all.  On this Sunday of Divine Mercy, we are reminded of the goodness of our God.  We, the church, have been gifted with 2 new saints this day:  Saint John XXIII and Saint John Paul II.  What a beautiful opportunity to celebrate God's love, mercy, and Easter joy!

2nd Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Acts - devoted to the apostles' teaching, living in community, and breaking bread together (Eucharist)
Psalm - Give thanks to the Lord for he is god, his love is everlasting
Epistle - 1 Peter - believing without seeing

Gospel - John - Doubting Thomas

On this Octave of Easter, there is much to celebrate. In our readings, we are reminded of our goals: to follow Jesus' teachings, to live in community with each other, and to celebrate the Eucharist together.

In the reflections from Living Liturgy 2014, I came across a great reminder. In the Gospel, we hear of Thomas, who wasn't present when Jesus appeared to the disciples, voicing his skepticism. Thomas wanted proof. He wanted the physical, tangible, touch and see proof that Jesus' appeared.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thankful Thursday 4/10/14

I am thankful for the approach of Holy Week.  I must be a slow learner, because I am only now realizing what a celebration it is!  This is the light at the end of the tunnel.  We have traveled the desert, the valley, the dry period, and we are about to enter the light of the Resurrection.  Now, if only life were that simple.  Sometimes our valleys last much more than 40 days.  It can be a challenge to see past our troubles to hope.  I think that's why we have Lent.  So that as we prepare for this feast, we are reminded that good things can come from sadness, pain, hurt, and death.  The only caveat:  it may not be in our time, on our schedule, or even in this life.  We have hope of eternal life, and the promise of life with God.  Doesn't get much better than that.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

5th Sunday of Lent 

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Ezekiel - I will open your graves
Psalm - With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption
Epistle - Romans - If the Spirit of the Lord lives in us, we will not die
Gospel - John - death of Lazarus

Loss is painful. When we lose a loved one, family or friend, our world changes. Our grief can be overwhelming. Jesus has experienced loss, the death of his dear friend, Lazarus. I think one of the most powerful verses, as well as the shortest, is in this Gospel, "Jesus wept." Weeping is not an expression of a small sadness, it is a gut-wrenching emotion that can swallow us whole. What comfort can we take in the fact that Our Savior knows our grief? We are not alone. As we suffer, Jesus is with us, even in our weeping.

Best of all, death is not the end. As we prepare to celebrate the holiest of weeks, we are reminded that Jesus has conquered death. We proclaim a belief in life after death. We will be reunited with all of our beloved dead.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Thankful Thursday 4/3/14

Today I am thankful for . . . snow in April?!

It snowed today.  A beautiful, big-flake snow.  If I didn't have a calendar to remind me that we're in April, not December, I would have considered snuggling up in a blanket to watch a movie and drink hot chocolate.  But my biggest takeaway was enjoying the unexpected.  Snow in April, thankfully, is the exception, not the rule.  I could have been frustrated that it was snowing, worried about safe travel, etc.  Instead, I appreciated the surprise.

It occurred to me that this was a good parallel to life.  When we have an expectation of how things should be, we are unable to enjoy the detour.  So, I challenge you to look at your next roadblock as an opportunity for a change in scenery, even if it wasn't part of your plans.

Prayer - Lord, thank you for the chance to be fully present in my life.  Help me to follow the path You have designed rather than the one I think is best.