Thursday, April 03, 2014

Thankful Thursday 4/3/14

Today I am thankful for . . . snow in April?!

It snowed today.  A beautiful, big-flake snow.  If I didn't have a calendar to remind me that we're in April, not December, I would have considered snuggling up in a blanket to watch a movie and drink hot chocolate.  But my biggest takeaway was enjoying the unexpected.  Snow in April, thankfully, is the exception, not the rule.  I could have been frustrated that it was snowing, worried about safe travel, etc.  Instead, I appreciated the surprise.

It occurred to me that this was a good parallel to life.  When we have an expectation of how things should be, we are unable to enjoy the detour.  So, I challenge you to look at your next roadblock as an opportunity for a change in scenery, even if it wasn't part of your plans.

Prayer - Lord, thank you for the chance to be fully present in my life.  Help me to follow the path You have designed rather than the one I think is best.

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