Sunday, April 06, 2014

5th Sunday of Lent 

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Ezekiel - I will open your graves
Psalm - With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption
Epistle - Romans - If the Spirit of the Lord lives in us, we will not die
Gospel - John - death of Lazarus

Loss is painful. When we lose a loved one, family or friend, our world changes. Our grief can be overwhelming. Jesus has experienced loss, the death of his dear friend, Lazarus. I think one of the most powerful verses, as well as the shortest, is in this Gospel, "Jesus wept." Weeping is not an expression of a small sadness, it is a gut-wrenching emotion that can swallow us whole. What comfort can we take in the fact that Our Savior knows our grief? We are not alone. As we suffer, Jesus is with us, even in our weeping.

Best of all, death is not the end. As we prepare to celebrate the holiest of weeks, we are reminded that Jesus has conquered death. We proclaim a belief in life after death. We will be reunited with all of our beloved dead.

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