Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thankful Thursday 2/12/15

I am thankful for a life well-lived.  I'm not talking about myself.  Rather, I wish to honor a memory.  Today is the 1-year anniversary of Leo Miller's death.  I did not know him as well as I might have liked, but what I did know, I learned from his kids and daughter-in-law.  I think that is a testament to Leo's life.

In my limited experience with loss and death, I know the best gift I can give is time.  At least for me, those who take time to remember my loved ones help my healing.  That may be time with those who grieve, taking time to remember the person who died, or making time to tell those left behind, 'I will not forget him; his memory lives on.'  Therefore, I would like to share my thoughts of Leo and his legacy.

One of Leo's sons is married to one of my dear friends.  Thus, our 'families' joined officially almost 7 years ago.  Yet, even before the wedding, Leo was in my life.  First, it was obvious in the lives of his children.  They had been raised in the Catholic faith, something of which Leo was very passionate.  I see this continue in their lives today, in their families.  Second, Leo continued to be positive and prayerful even and maybe especially during his ongoing health issues.  Leo would pray for others and lift up intentions; I considered him one of my prayer warriors.  Third, and perhaps most importantly, Leo's legacy speaks of his personal faith.  Leo was loving and generous; this was apparent to me even from our limited interactions.  I continue to see his influence in those left behind.

What a man, to be so blessed in life as to be able to give praise to God even during the worst times?  "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!"  ~Job 1:21b.  I'm sure Leo was not perfect, but I do believe his love for the Lord was as perfect as it could be.  I hope the same can be said of me, one day.  I'm sure Jesus said when He took Leo home, "'Well done, my good and faithful servant.  Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities.  Come, share your master's joy.'"  ~Matthew 25:23

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