Sunday, February 08, 2015

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Hope & Healing 

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Job - ultimate suffering and hopelessness
Psalm - 147 - Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted
Epistle - 1 Corinthians - stewardship and giving of oneself
Gospel - Mark 1 - healing Simon's mother-in-law

What great Scriptures! These have been more comfort to me as I long for complete health. I have been limited in my actions, and I struggle with accepting God's Will concerning my current state of health.  (See my earlier post on the struggle here).

I find Job to be such an interesting figure. To be stricken with so much desolation and pain, and yet be able to praise God; I am in awe. I come down with a sinus infection and I assume God messed up somewhere in the grand scheme of things. It is not so. This was the first full weekend I've been back to Newman. It's been pretty tiring, and slightly frustrating since I don't have my voice back 100%, but it has been even more fulfilling to be present, celebrating with a community of believers.

Part of today's homily talked about hopelessness, and how none of us should ever feel that we are alone. That is an error in human thinking. Our God loves us, beyond human comprehension, and is always present. And, for the times when we can't see beyond our present challenges, God places people in our lives to help us out. Priests, religious, and all holy men and women present in our lives. This weekend has been selected by the Church as World Day for Consecrated Life. Take a moment to pray for and say thank you to those men and women who serve our Church.

As I mentioned before, I am not vocally 100% as I am easily fatigued and still congested and draining. Music at the Masses was equally challenging and beautiful. I wanted to sing with all my being, but could only do my best at that moment in time. I really related with Simon's mother-in-law, as I yearned for Christ to touch and heal me, as He did to her. Again, I have an opportunity to practice patience, as well as trust. God has a plan, and I am participating in that plan to fullest extent I can. So, what does any of this have to do with today's Scriptures? Well, I am relating to the Gospel in another way; we saw the ruins of Simon Peter's house in Capernaum (pictured above), and the very central room is believed to be where Jesus stayed. I hope I keep this sense of joy and wonder when I can relate Scriptures to my physical experience in the Holy Land. I realize that it is blessed to believe without seeing, but I must admit that seeing it is pretty darn cool :)

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