Wednesday, April 27, 2016

All in God's time

Living in the present - being present - living with full awareness.  I do not do these well all of the time, but I'd like to think that I am persistent in my efforts.  I choose my attitude and my effort.  Some days are harder then others.  Yet, through it all, I am aware of God.

God is good.

So naturally, we all wish to respond:  All the time.

And, if we've done that, the next step is:  And all the time . . .


Even when there are crappy times and struggles and pain and hurt, our sovereign God is still loving us, reaching for us, inviting us closer.

Today marks exactly three months since I started my new job, and 4 months since I began this part of my journey.  Wow.  It's strange to think that a mere 21 weeks ago, I had no clue what was coming.  My heart is full and my cup overflows.  I am in awe of our God, who is perfect in love and loves me anyway.  I am very aware of my blessings, and I know a peace that isn't of this world.  No, life isn't perfect, but my God is, and I'm learning from Him!

Tonight I spent an hour in Eucharistic Adoration, and as usual, the time flew by.  I was able to spend some of it playing the piano.  I find that my music in church is amplified, and I believe it is because of God's True Presence.  My music was my prayer, and it gave 'voice' to my thoughts, yearnings, struggles, and hopes.  Various musings - my parents' health, my job, housing, future, obligations, working on my sainthood (that's a tough one!).  Again, I knew peace.  Life didn't give me all the answers, and that's okay.  Every day . . . sometimes every hour or even every minutes . . . I have the opportunity to grow, to choose Christ, to choose love, to choose the here and now.

Am I the best-version-of-myself?  Not yet, but I am the better-version of what I used to be.  Baby steps and few slides backwards, but I still consider it progress.  So, I invite you to take a moment, think of something good in your life, and give God thanks.  For there is a plan, and it's in God's hands.  Doesn't get much better than that, in my opinion.

Prayer:  Lord, You call to us in a number of ways.  Help us open our eyes to just one aspect that we have previously overlooked.  Reveal Yourself to us, so we may glimpse Your divine glory.  Plant a desire in us to grow toward You.      

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